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Sun, Jan 30 2022 7:24 PM (109 replies)
  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Sat, Jan 29 2022 10:38 AM



    proof of the troll he is and his mission to wind people up; this was found on someone's wall:

    I am told he is being watched, so maybe soon we will see the last of him.  :)

    I would like to add that the person below is just as bad; this is on Henry's wall:



  • craigswan
    31,541 Posts
    Sat, Jan 29 2022 10:38 AM

    Think about it .

    Police need a different sense of proportion than you or me .

    They face guns being pointed at them , knifes , bombs , dead bodies all of time .

    Their mental strength must be way above the ordinary public .

    Without a grotesque sense of normality they would all be doomed .

    Society would go down the plug hole and you or your family would suffer more crimes against them .

    You say thanks for your service to your military .

    Why not give police officers the same courtesy .

  • Robert1893
    7,712 Posts
    Sat, Jan 29 2022 10:43 AM

    Is it me that you want banned now, is that the plan?


    OK. I'm getting older and forgetful. But where did I even hint at anyone getting banned Seriously, if I did, I'll retract that. 

    You equated Henry's accused trolling with alcoholism. At best, that was poorly stated. 

    Regardless, what did I post that would prompt you to ask the question: "Is it me that you want banned now, is that the plan?"


    Is it simply I gave a "thumbs up" or "like" to Sam's post that Nico will do what's best? If so, that seems pretty innocuous or uncontroversial. He's a moderator, and I agree he will do what's best. 

    Is there a reason I should not to think that Nico will do what's best? Should we believe he'll do what's "second best" or "worst"? 

    Indeed, I'm sure he's seen the thread. But to be clear, like Sam, I haven't contacted Nico about the thread. He doesn't need to hear from me because... well, because I think he'll do what's best. By the way, what's best could mean do nothing. 

  • SamSpayed
    4,998 Posts
    Sat, Jan 29 2022 10:55 AM

    Is it me that you want banned now, is that the plan?

    There is no "plan", Dodgy, and no, I don't want you banned.  But I think you used extremely poor judgment in comparing a forum troll (who has choices, as Robert stated) to people who suffer from substance abuse, which has both physical and psychological components, and affects entire families.

  • Tony08888
    570 Posts
    Sat, Jan 29 2022 11:11 AM

    Hello everyone. I’ll get out of everyone’s way after this, but I took about 30 minutes to do some quick research.

    Just going through around 10 or so of Henry’s friends pages shows that at least 90% of his friends are hack to master, with levels from mid 30’s and below. At least 90% of those have starter clubs with no score history and have been on WGT from as early as 2012 up to 2021. I didn’t see any of those fitting the profiles above as members before Henry started playing.

    Hopefully everyone can see that for what it is. It’s sad.

    He seems to need this place and probably other forums as well.

  • HenryKawa
    1,724 Posts
    Sat, Jan 29 2022 2:07 PM

    Hello Forum Users and friends:

    I am Henry.   I want to say "I am sorry" for any harm I may have caused or any disruption to this thread.  I didn't mean to upset anyone.  Lets go forward in peace and love for all.

  • MioKontic
    4,643 Posts
    Sat, Jan 29 2022 3:46 PM


    Hopefully everyone can see that for what it is. It’s sad.

    It's very sad indeed that he has to get his pleasure from annoying others, and seems to take great satisfaction in doing it.  If this was my forum he would have gone long ago!


    Just going through around 10 or so of Henry’s friends pages shows that at least 90% of his friends are hack to master, with levels from mid 30’s and below. At least 90% of those have starter clubs with no score history and have been on WGT from as early as 2012 up to 2021. I didn’t see any of those fitting the profiles above as members before Henry started playing.

    His so-called friends aren't really friends, he just likes to think they are.  Anyone can go through the list of members on WGT and send them all a friend invite, but I find it incredibly sad that anyone has to go to such lengths to make himself think he is wanted; he must have spent many days and weeks just sending friends requests!

  • HenryKawa
    1,724 Posts
    Sun, Jan 30 2022 7:24 PM


    Hello Forum Users and friends:

    I am Henry.   I want to say "I am sorry" for any harm I may have caused or any disruption to this thread.  I didn't mean to upset anyone.  Lets go forward in peace and love for all.

    Thank you to all my WGT friends and others who reached out to me privately wishing me the best in my recovery.  I appreciate it more than you know.  And thank you WGT for this wonderful game and platform for comradery.  The Forums have been a wonderful tool for learning the game, sharing stories, and for just plain friendship.  Thank you WGT and also a huge thank you to the moderators.  I've been a Moderator for Poker Stars for many years, and WGT Moderators are by far the best.  So thank you.  

  • craigswan
    31,541 Posts
    Mon, Jan 31 2022 2:24 AM
    Your apology is accepted henry . Now let's play some golf .
  • craigswan
    31,541 Posts
    Mon, Jan 31 2022 6:47 AM

    Boredom makes people behave more sadistically. .

    Pretty much the story of wgt .


    and me .

    Writing my silly little posts day in day out .

    The devil finds work. for idle hands .

    People who most often feel "bored" are as often very immature .

    What happens when your brain is deprived of stimulation .

    What effect does being cut off from interaction with the outside world have on a person .

    What effect does it have on people when they are locked in a windowless, soundproof isolation chamber of your living room .