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Re: Cabo Course

Sun, Oct 2 2022 7:28 PM (6 replies)
  • TexasDan
    5 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 9:41 AM

    At one time there was a course in Cabo here. What happemed to it?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 9:52 AM

    Access was discontinued - business decision, probably due to license issues.

  • borntobesting
    9,788 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 11:27 AM


    Access was discontinued - business decision, probably due to license issues.

    It might be that but it also might be that it wasn't actually made by WGT and they couldn't get it to work properly om the new version. The few RG's that I played on Cabo and Whistler on the new version before Flash was discontinued there many  many spots where the game would freeze and had to be finished on the flash version. 

  • blackridgenik
    108 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 1:32 AM

    I played both of them yesterday as part of a H2H best of par 5, first time I have ever played them, the Château Whistler was really poor type graphics not normal WGT standard.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2022 5:27 AM

    the Château Whistler was really poor type graphics not normal WGT standard.
    Both Cabo and Whistler show screen graphics as playground, in contrast to the HD fotos taken and processed for the other courses.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2022 7:55 AM


    the Château Whistler was really poor type graphics not normal WGT standard.
    Both Cabo and Whistler show screen graphics as playground, in contrast to the HD fotos taken and processed for the other courses.

    They were bad, When I first started playing that was one of my big questions was why those two looked so cartoon as opposed to the real live photos on PB or the like. 

    BUT....I still feel a little ripped off that I have yet to see either of those courses in the coin rooms.

  • HamdenPro
    2,535 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2022 7:28 PM


    It might be that but it also might be that it wasn't actually made by WGT and they couldn't get it to work properly om the new version.

    My understanding was that WGT did not pay, nor get permission, for a full "mapping" of the courses..not like they do on the others (many drones, film crews, cameramen, close the course for days to allow mapping, etc.)

    It is a huge undertaking and very expensive.