(don’t know if my problem has been experienced by anyone else . I receive invites to play from friends , and I accept , it matches us up , I get to the tee , say something like hi nice to see you , play my shot , and the wheel spins , time runs out and it says they have forfeited . It doesn’t happen every time , when i do eventually get to play someone , they say the same has happened to them , with me not hitting a ball but saying I forfeited . ,
can Nico or anyone explain what’s going on please )
There’s also occasionally the situation where making a comment in the chat box seems to stall the game one is about to play and leads to such a long delay, the game forfeits. I’ve also found when one’s friend hits rematch and a comment message is sent straight after, that also appears to ‘time out’ the rematch. Thus resulting in having to leave the game and reboot, to get back to the status quo.