Take no notice of the dots whether they are red or green all this means is…
RED …Your currently swinging your bat somewhere…Meaning you maybe playing putter practising…Tourneys…swinging for cash..On a course in the game mode tab…or even a friend …that dot will be red…
GREEN … When Your floating around …or in between games…
BUT….Red or green you can still hit the play button…They get the invite like normal with the offer to play or decline…..
The friends online will be above the rest …right at the top…Ones below have no play button because they are of line or playing Harry’s cloak…
I got your invite couple days ago..I declined as I was playing in a turf…what colour was my dot ?…you must of seen i decline…..I see you change from Red to green all the time ….
Hmmmmm Hope this is helpful 😉