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Re: Need suggestions

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Wed, Jan 4 2023 3:54 AM (4 replies)
  • jmars836
    98 Posts
    Mon, Jan 2 2023 4:54 PM

    Not sure if this is the right forum for this question but here it goes. I am a director/tournament organizer for The Golf Masters Club. We are a level 18 club that is going through a lot of changes over the last few months. We have a new owner and new directors (myself included) that want the club to survive and grow. Looking for suggestions that may help a club grow.

    Thank you in advance and Happy New Year to all.

  • jacktrade51
    11,198 Posts
    Mon, Jan 2 2023 9:40 PM

    For a happy club, in no particular order:

    Club tournaments.  A bunch of them in different varieties.  9x3, 9+18, 9+9, 18+18.  Keep them moving.  In our club, for example, our 9x3 tournaments and the few ctth tournaments we post are almost always 5 day rounds.  While we generally have 1 18x4 (or regular 72 holes) tournament posted, that's it.  Mix up single and unlimited play.  (We also tend to keep our club tournaments a little easier than the WGT tournaments.  If one wants high winds and 14 speed greens, WGT provides it.)  Average busters (that is, from easy tees) and what I call quick xp builders (par 3 course 9 holes, produces 250 xp points in 10-12 minutes and doesn't count towards average).  We have at least 1 of each going at all times.

    Active club forum.  Members like to share and receive tips, experiences, etc.  Encourage less experienced members to ask questions in the forum and you will find the better players like to share.

    Participate in some community organized team events.  Check the appropriate WGT forum.  Club v. club matches can also be fun, the "team captain" should expect to put in some work organizing it.

    Encourage AS play with club members.  For example, we periodically ask members who play AS to post their normal playing times.  They see when the others are playing, can friend each other and play together.  It forms bonds among club members.

    I am interested what other club leaders will have to say on this.


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Jan 2 2023 9:47 PM

    Apparently, you have sorted out all of the inactive players - legitimate!

    Those who are there and those who may join should be attracted to an active CC.

    You might organize tournament series, like Monthlies, or tiered tourneys.

    Your Owner might give tournament creation rights to all or a group of players, and consider "Superpass" rights for the Clashes, too.

    Be active in the CC forum, call your people in!

    Advertise these activities in this forum, and speak with players during multiplayer games.

    Good luck, and have fun!

  • jmars836
    98 Posts
    Tue, Jan 3 2023 10:41 AM

    Yes we have sorted out the inactive members and changed parameters for membership. We ask that members play 2 club tournaments a week and use the daily pass. We actually have about 5 of the 22 that play club events.
    I try to mix the tournaments up using different formats and I have also created a monthly series Pro-Am style event. I understand it takes some work to do this and I think a few of us in the club are up for the challenge.

    Thank you to all who have responded here and messaged me. 

  • phipster
    4,655 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2023 3:54 AM

    Firstly small is better than large memberships. I have run a club with 250 members but found it unwieldy and soulless. 80 - 100 members is perfect for me...

    get rid of the dead wood and inactive players which you seem to have done...

    try and encourage the remaining members to 'friend' each other so that they can see when they are on line and arrange AS, stroke and match play games between themselves...

    Start up a Discord or similar chat channel for members to talk to each other while playing - seems weird to me in a virtual game but some people seem to like it

    create and maintain lots of club tournaments on WGT and league competitions off WGT (such as handicap leagues), post lots of playing advice on your club forum and encourage debate about putting and short game tips, etc...

    The reality is that most clubs are driven on by a small core of keenish long term members, 30% will play in the club tournaments and if you are lucky 75% of the membership will turn out for Club Clashes and Coin Games...

    Don't stress yourself about some members not playing as you can lead a horse to water but a pencil is always lead...

    Good luck to you