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Re: How do golf balls work in WGT?

rated by 0 users
Tue, Aug 15 2023 11:27 AM (10 replies)
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  • BlackBogey
    644 Posts
    Tue, Aug 15 2023 11:27 AM


    Great reply to that question 

    A new question for you 

    I have 88 balls i have accumalated  

    I will never use many of them 

    Could wgt devise a system to sell back as you do other equipment ?

    Is there now but I dony know of it ?


    All the best clubs in the world are useless without a   ball lol 




    Dave A 

    There is not currently, and you can also not Gift balls/clubs from your inventory to someone else. 

    There is talk on the WGT Discord server of a "WGT Traiding Post" that would allow you to traid in equipment for other stuff, but that's just talk at this point.



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