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How do golf balls work in WGT?

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Tue, Aug 15 2023 11:27 AM (10 replies)
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  • InkedSully
    1 Posts
    Thu, Feb 2 2023 12:58 PM

    I have spent some time playing WGT. Sometimes I buy pack of golf balls and I was curious how do you loose a golf ball in the game? Is it timed? Sometimes after I hit a ball and it lands in the fairway it will say this is my last ball remaining. Is it like real golf where you hit a ball out of bounds it is lost? I was just looking for some guidance. Thank you guys for any help. 

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Thu, Feb 2 2023 1:47 PM

    The obvious ones are;
    - Out of bounds = lose current ball
    - Hit in Water = lose current ball

    But then there is the fact that each ball only has a set number of hits. Depending on the balls Durability stat (1, 1.5, 2 or 2.5) you will get 90, 100, 110 or 120 strokes. This is referred to as a ball's "Hit Count" There is a little bar just to the right of your ball (lower RH corner) that shows where you are on that hit count but it doesn't have exact numbers.

    - Every stroke taken OFF the green lowers the current ball's Hit Count by 1. The type of stroke (full, punch, chip etc) and ball's lie (fairway, rough, sand etc) does not affect this. 1 Stroke =  1 off and ball's Hit Count.
    - When the count gets to 0, the ball is removed and the next one is started.
    - Any strokes taken from ON the green do not count towards a balls hit count regardless of type of stroke taken.
    - When playing in practice mode every time you hit the Mulligan button that takes an extra hit off your ball's hit count (2 if you're ON the green)
    - Contrary to what many believe, taking a Gimmie does not take a hit off the ball's hit count.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Feb 4 2023 1:23 AM


    May I amend that Starter balls are the only ones without a hit count? That makes them have "unlimited" life - good for practice with Mulligans and certain watery (CTTH) courses.

    Also, durability and stroke no.s are only approximately combined.

    And, as a small correction, only putts from the greens have no stroke count while putts from the fringe and wedge shots on the greens will take one off the count.

    I',m not sure, but putter Mulligans on the greens may cost two strokes(?)

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, Feb 4 2023 6:02 AM

    May I amend that Starter balls are the only ones without a hit count? That makes them have "unlimited" life - good for practice with Mulligans and certain watery (CTTH) courses.

    I just assumed that everyone that has ever played starts with these balls and understands how they work.

    Also, durability and stroke no.s are only approximately combined.

    Yes this is true. There is a chart out there in that show the exact numbers for a lot of the balls and they are not all exactly the same. My numbers are just to give a basic idea of how the concept of "limited strokes" works and a rough idea of how the Durability of a ball affects it's Hit Count limit.

    And, as a small correction, only putts from the greens have no stroke count while putts from the fringe and wedge shots on the greens will take one off the count.

    - On this I will have to correct you;
    - It does not matter what type of stroke you take from ON the green, it will not count to the balls hit count (I've tested this out on the practice green myself)
    - Yes putts from the Fringe count as a stroke against your ball's hit count as the fringe is not ON the green. To be ON the green it must show "Green" as your ball's lie (lower RH of screen next to ball spin adjustment)

    I',m not sure, but putter Mulligans on the greens may cost two strokes(?)

    - Honestly I'm not 100% sure as I don't remember if I tested this out or not.
    - I suspect that the Mulligan button always counts as 1 stroke. I know WGT says that Mulligans count as "two strokes" of a ball's hit count in it's FAQ but I believe that they are also counting the additional stroke taken after resetting the ball after hitting the Mulligan button.(Mulligan button/1 stroke + retaken stroke/1 stroke = 2 strokes off ball's hit count)
    - For stokes ON the green I believe that they use 1 stroke for the Mulligan button but then the retaken stroke doesn't count as the second stroke as it's ON the green so it only counts as 1 hit off a ball's Hit Count.
    - The basic idea though is to know that while strokes on the Green do not count as ball hits, using the Mulligan button will use up your ball's hit count.

    EDIT: I tested it and Alosso is correct that Mulligan button use form ON the Green will count as two hits off your ball's hit count.


  • el3n1
    4,514 Posts
    Sat, Feb 4 2023 10:26 AM

    - It does not matter what type of stroke you take from ON the green, it will not count to the balls hit count (I've tested this out on the practice green myself)

    the practice greens may be a unique situation - I do not even believe you can lose a ball on the official practice putting greens, so testing something on the putting green is not the best way to assess the validity of this.  

    for example. I went to Merion practice green - with a promo ball with low hits - i took a wedge and hit the ball Out of Bounds in the backyard of the house that can be seen from the green - the game registered out of bounds shot - but that ball remains in my inventory.

    for that reason - I suspect they have the putting greens setup in a unique manner so that it does not effect ball hits or risk of losing a ball even when using a ball other than the starter ball.  

    BTW - the practice greens are not even the ideal place to practice putting.  but if you are going to use ranked rounds or practice putting without taking mulligans - you can essentially take a mulligan by whiffing your putt. drag the aimer maybe 3% and then click as early as you can - you essentially whiff the putt and the ball hardly moves - you can then reuse putt preview if you are on practice mode and get another estimated line read on essentially the same putt.  since putts don't officially count as a stroke by not taking a mulligan you save those extra ball hits from being applied by just whiffing your putt.  

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, Feb 4 2023 1:51 PM

    I do not even believe you can lose a ball on the official practice putting greens

    Yes apparently you are correct about this. A ball is not removed from your inventory if you whack it off the green and lose a ball out of bounds. Never thought about trying this before 'cause I didn't see any point to it.

    I suspect they have the putting greens setup in a unique manner so that it does not effect ball hits or risk of losing a ball even when using a ball other than the starter ball.  

    Other than not being able to lose balls out of bounds the practice greens act exactly the same as the greens on course during game play. I don't just suspect this, I know this because I just went and tested it in a ranked round. Went to BOP3 with a ball that had just a "nub" of hits left (11 hits to be exact) On the first three holes I hit my tee shot onto green and 8 consecutive full shots on the green and after 3 holes (3 tee shots + 24 full ON green shots) the hit meter did not move. On the 4th hole I hit the tee shot onto fairway and hit 7 consecutive full shots. After 7 additional shots the ball was on it's last hit.

  • el3n1
    4,514 Posts
    Sat, Feb 4 2023 5:26 PM

    Never thought about trying this before 'cause I didn't see any point to it.

    back when WGT had enabled back spin with wedges for mobile players - the wedge on a green was a very easy way to avoid 3 putts - it was worth dialing in - that was how I first discovered it - and putting greens suffice in that regard.  a wedge putt can still be used at times but it is far less common now in the coin rooms.

    Other than not being able to lose balls out of bounds the practice greens act exactly the same as the greens on course during game play.

    I also disagree with the phrase that practice greens are exactly the same - but we could be referring to different aspects of the putting greens.  you seem to still focus ONLY on hits applied - and that was not my entire point.  I stand by the suggestion people should focus on live rounds practice or ranked to dial in and hone their putting skills / formulas - otherwise they may find some aspects of the game misleading.

    too tired to keep going back and forth - it is in part why I grew weary of the forums and mostly just refrain from posting as much.  I know you are quite helpful from what I have seen, so I will leave you to it.  

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,770 Posts
    Sat, Feb 4 2023 6:37 PM

    too tired to keep going back and forth - it is in part why I grew weary of the forums and mostly just refrain from posting as much.

    Good to know I wasn't the only one feeling that way after all.

    The forums used to be a great place where you could learn and/or discover fascinating stuff about the game with so many awesome & generous experts sharing their useful & helpful tips and savoir-faires.

    They all went extinct and now instead... NUFF.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, Feb 4 2023 6:54 PM

    I now remember why I  F*****G  HATE  posting on these forums trying to help people out!

  • Stretch527
    4 Posts
    Tue, Aug 15 2023 9:44 AM

    Great reply to that question 

    A new question for you 

    I have 88 balls i have accumalated  

    I will never use many of them 

    Could wgt devise a system to sell back as you do other equipment ?

    Is there now but I dony know of it ?


    All the best clubs in the world are useless without a   ball lol 




    Dave A 

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