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Re: Criteria For Advancing To Higher Tier

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Tue, Nov 22 2011 3:45 PM (5 replies)
  • maruschak
    572 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2011 10:16 AM

    I need some help here,...I am under the impression that when I or any other player (At Tour Pro Level) achieves a scoring average  of "66"......we automatically elevate to "Master".

    I played a "Tour Pro" yesterday and was surprised to see his average was "64"......I politely asked "how come"...and his reply was......" I dunno!"

    Can someone give me the details on how a Tour Pro with an avg score  of 68.64 can be automatically given Master status??  Not that I'm anxious to do so,....I've heard from many that 66 was the number to achieve,...but that "64" has me wondering, explanation will be greatly appreciated!!

    Thank you

  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2011 10:43 AM

    Hi maruschak in order to tier up you also have to have played a certain amount of ranked rounds aswell,Wgt won't give out the magic number of rounds required,but i think the general opinion is that's it about 50 ranked rounds.That's why you will see hacks on the community spotlight with averages in there 50's an 60's but they haven't played enough ranked rounds to tier up,which is also a big bone of contention on this site.Hope this helps


  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2011 11:00 AM

    having a magic number and amount of ranked rounds makes sense up to a point, but there should be some other additional qualifying criterion.... like the existing system -- magic number x, plus 50 ranked rounds; OR, magic number x -3, plus 20 rounds. yes, having to play a certain amount at each tier makes sense, but it makes no sense to hold people back and/or let them hang around winning everything, when they're clearly outplaying their tier.


  • maruschak
    572 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2011 2:03 PM

    I thank both of U most kindly,..that makes sense,......I'm sure that I have in excess of 200 ranked rounds under my belt, even when I Practice"...I choose the "ranked" option!

    I didnt play here all of 2010...I came back here a a "pro" about 4 months ago,..and just then began playing with other players, as initially I felt I wasn't playing well enough to compete. But since then I 've been playing a LOT......consequently getting below 70, and really enjoying competing and chatting with players all over the world!!

    Great game....the glitches notwithstanding!!  Thanks again!



  • southboys
    421 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2011 3:00 PM

    hi jack yes the magic number is 67 but you need to have a certain ammount of ranked rounds. catch you later on the course and accept the invites i send you. lol

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2011 3:45 PM

    I hit master at 66, watch your first round after, if you shoot a 35 your avg will be 70. You have to have the ranked rounds to get there. I was at 66.03, advanced to Master, next round was a 39 and had to fight back from a 78 avg. Good luck and go for it.