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Re: jviewbank

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Thu, Nov 14 2013 1:09 AM (18 replies)
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  • jviewbank
    798 Posts
    Sun, Nov 10 2013 2:21 AM

    first of mall all alanti  i came two this forum just two exspress my views and as it turns out i run into someone like you i was sayint the golf balls they remove them two quick and that 2was my problem but some how  YOU seem tobe affenended by it all and thk you for the education in realy big words  it seems like you cant help minding your own buisness what imean is you must be a realy boring man if you just come on her two talk two people that have an opinion and run them down but each two ther own and thank god you are not a polation and running our wonderfull country and i pray that never happens but you deserve your opinion  thats what it is all about here democracy well i think it is and i will still say they remove the golf balls two quick and as far as me being a jerk  yes i can be sometimes i admitt that and i think i did get a few other words wright and do you realy know how two mind your own buisness and if you do that would be great just letme have my say in this forum without you baging  what i say ok so i wont come back in here anymore because it seems that you cant have your say here and i realy do hope WGT pays you your free golf baals for standing up for them oik no i wont call you any names ill just go ok good bye and hope you get some sort of life instead of pokring your nose into other peoples buieneses look me up for a game im always here im sure it would be a chalenge bye  oh my name is johnny  but you can call me jerk ok

  • JerkNicholas
    33 Posts
    Sun, Nov 10 2013 2:02 PM


      but you can call me jerk ok

    Sod off and think of your own names ;-)

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Nov 10 2013 2:21 PM

    Wasn't that your signature? I thought so, like Alan did obviously...

    As for the balls, would they live longer, they would be more expensive. Then some ppl would cry even more about new balls lost in water etc.

  • sweetspott
    26,443 Posts
    Sun, Nov 10 2013 2:43 PM


     and as far as me being a jerk  yes i can be sometimes i admitt that

    Going on the block list............................

  • jviewbank
    798 Posts
    Sun, Nov 10 2013 6:46 PM

    thats good i dont think i would realy play you anyway i have some very nice f4riends on here and thats all i need i know i said i would not be back here but i thought about that and i have changed my mind i think its a place where you can come and should be able two come and have your say so two all of you that disagree thats good but im intitled two my say thank you very much and at least i have my real picture up and dont hide  all being  not two attractive i thought i would get that in first befor you all did so go ahead and bloke makes dosnt worrie me like isaid i have some loyal friends on here and i was standing up for the people that cant affored two keep bying them like i can and you all can so thats all oh and is that suppost two upse5t me bye bloking me you have proberly done me a favor LOL  and thats a quote see ya johnnyand its my real name two

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2013 12:35 AM

    YOU seem tobe affenended by it all

    Sorry it takes a lot more to offend me, I am actually pretty thick skinned lol.

    As I inferred, if WGT were to give you more hits per ball, it effectively reduces the price, so as Alosso said, the price would go up to counter this. Every company ideally has a strategic approach to their pricing to have maximum return and this is what WGT do, like it or not. As I said it is a business, ie to make money. The only downside (not for WGT but the users) is there is no viable competition, hence there is no market mechanism to regulate pricing according to supply and demand (an essential factor in a free market economy).

    If you find the Max balls too expensive for the time they last I have a suggestion.

    Do not use them for blitz or CTTH etc, save them for ranked rounds only and use the rock for other formats. Yes the speed is fast, but it is also a good practice technique and then using pretty much any other ball the meter will seem slower.The Max ball may even be too slow after doing this. For the record I think Max balls are overpriced as the only attribute you really get is the slow meter speed - spin etc are poor (uh oh, I will get Andy going now).

    And rest assured I have no intention of getting into Politics, I say what I think and believe in and do not like backroom deals.

    As for free balls from WGT, I wish. All I was trying to do was explain how a business works. I play this game purely for fun, I don't gamble credits and pay for the pleasure - I actually think it is pretty good value for the enjoyment I derive. Yes MM we have to play soon - sadly my work schedule is rather obscene at the moment - roll on Christmas and I will relax!

    To coin a term that perhaps Johnny knows - you have to make hay when the sun shines.

  • chuddlymccannon
    298 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2013 3:06 AM

    Alright, everyone calm down.  This is stupid

    I ran the text on 2 balls

    • Nike 20XI-X lasted for 194 hits
    • Max slow meter lasted for 133 hits

  • jviewbank
    798 Posts
    Thu, Nov 14 2013 1:05 AM

    thjks ghudd thats all i was tring to ask and thk you for takeing the time to find that out for me same priuced balls two arnt they and  atlantic i will take your advise and use them for ranked games witch is what i do now but thks and i agree with chudd this is stupid i was just affened bye the remark that you said about my education and i have worked hard all my life in fact i was a solid plasterer the old type not the way they do it now witch i can also do but once again thk you chudd johnny

  • jviewbank
    798 Posts
    Thu, Nov 14 2013 1:09 AM

    thk you and i was just affened bye what you said from the word go about my education but lets get on wit5h playing this game ok im sorry if i affended any one johnny and i do know what you mean about it being a buisnes  so all enjoy

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