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Thu, Nov 14 2013 1:09 AM (18 replies)
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  • jviewbank
    798 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2011 9:37 PM

     im just here two talk about the credets  i have been bying  credets on here for a long time and now im watching yidioes and trying two do surveys but good old wgt wont even let me do that now or enter there sill y shampian tournements and keep taking the golf balls that quick as far as im concerned if it gets any worse they can stick im out of here and i know there are a lot more people like me out there two so wake up wgt or i for one am gone johnny  jviewbaqnk

  • jviewbank
    798 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 4:25 PM

    just here two complain about the maxi golf balls they are good and i think that WGT is getting very greedy with how quick they are takeing them of you and all i can say is that i think that i for one will be going back two the cheaper ones and getting use  two them again i dont know what they are thinking but they must think we are all million airs so ill use up the ones i have and start getting use two the others DISSCUSTING  WGT VERY DISSCUSTING  JOHNNY

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Nov 9 2013 1:27 AM

    Dear Johnny,

    You do have a choice of what to buy, how much you can spend, or choose NOT to spend a cent. You can earn credits for the cost of your time.

    WGT is a business not a local thrift shop,  but you can play this game without spending anything - that is your choice.

    Finally I have to ask, did you go through the Australian education system?

    I sincerely hope not because if you did, the system has failed abysmally.

  • chuddlymccannon
    298 Posts
    Sat, Nov 9 2013 3:56 AM

    Man I know what you're talking about.  i don't care what anyone says but they take that ball way to quick.  I am currently counting my strokes with them.  I have 4 left and I swear that they take them sometimes after like 100 hits.  It's crap.  I have a couple other balls I am using and counting stroked with them also.  Some of the other balls with less durability last much longer.  I emailed them and told them about it when this game took 2 of the Max slow meter balls in one 9 hole round.  they gave me those back.  Then over a 12 hour period it took 4 balls.  Now they want to know which course, hole, and all that crap.  I don't remember all that crap.  


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sat, Nov 9 2013 3:57 AM


    Finally I have to ask, did you go through the Australian education system?

    I sincerely hope not because if you did, the system has failed abysmally.

    I was wondering that too, pretty dismal for someone that has ancestors from Great Britain.

    They do let us down so........

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sat, Nov 9 2013 11:08 AM

    First post in the thread dated 11-23-2011 9:37 PM

    wake up wgt or i for one am gone johnny  jviewbaqnk

    Second post in this thread dated 11-08-2013 4:25 PM


    Let us see what you really think in 11-08-2015.

  • jviewbank
    798 Posts
    Sat, Nov 9 2013 2:47 PM

    alanti thks for your responsei didnt  go two far with my education  but i worked hard and did very well at what i did bye the sounds of it you must have shares in the company because you sound like you are as greedy as them or a polatition and i was speaking for all the people that cant affored them and it would be nice if there where not as many greedy people in the world you sound like one of those people and you wont hert me with all your fancy talk because i can handle that it just sounds like you where let down bye you family and dont know what the word help others mean your idea of life is get what you can stuff everyone else would that be correct grumpy or little Mr rich boy you dont know the value of life and friends if you have any


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Nov 9 2013 7:49 PM

    alanti thks for your response

    Firstly, I respect the "Aussie Battler" who work hard and in many cases are the backbone of the country and have made Australia such a great place (yes I am patriotic). So at least your mother did not drop you on your head as a wee baby.

    I have no shares in WGT but do now run my own business (and therefore understand business principles), and is founded on hard work. If I am lucky enough to reap the rewards because of my investment and hard work, then in my opinion that is also well deserved and as we do not live in a socialist society, there is no requirement to be philanthropic. That said I also believe in reinvestment that in turn creates jobs and opportunities for others. If that is greed, then I can also handle that. The old adage of whether 95% of the population should lower their standards for the 5%, cuts no mustard for me. And no I am certainly no Politician!

    And I have helped others out in this game, if they are deserving and not grovelling like beggars with their hands held out expecting something. Sometimes people need to help themselves rather than relying on handouts. Would I give a bum a dollar to help them get alcohol? Hell no, but I would if they were genuinely trying to turn their life around.

    This game you can earn free credits to play depending on your geographical location. Depending on how many credits you cam "earn" will directly impact on how often you can play, or the level of equipment you can have - but failing that you can use entirely starters equipment and still have fun and it will not cost a cent. So perhaps WTG are benevolent.

    At no stage did I say the equipment was cheap, especially balls, but I do understand that this is a business and WGT took the risk and put in the financial investment into the game, and IF WGT are making a millions from it, well all I can say is well done. But then again probably to your chagrin, I am a Capitalist.

    And of course I don't have friends, who needs them when you have money!!!!

    And at least we know what the J stands for in jviewbank - one word you did spell correctly, JERK.


  • chuddlymccannon
    298 Posts
    Sat, Nov 9 2013 9:14 PM


    I thought this was a discussion about how fast the Max balls are taken.  Not a social bashing on humanity.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sat, Nov 9 2013 11:16 PM


    Finally I have to ask, did you go through the Australian education system?

    I sincerely hope not because if you did, the system has failed abysmally.

    Dude, we have to have a game.  Thanks for brightening my forum experience.


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