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Re: Country Club Owners

Fri, Dec 29 2023 9:45 PM (9 replies)
  • Sea2Summitt
    5 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2023 6:40 PM

    What's your approach to keeping the Rif-Raf out of your league?  What criteria do you use to decide to remove inactive members?

  • jacktrade51
    11,197 Posts
    Thu, Aug 3 2023 4:47 PM

    It's a good question, but there is no simple answer.

    Clubs exist for different reasons.  WGT has clubs that prioritize clashes and turf wars, club that limit themselves to potential top players, and clubs that are open to most all players as long as they are active.  There are other types of clubs too.

    I am a manager of a club in the last category, but we also value stroke, AS and match play much more than coin games.  Old-fashioned from WGT's point of view.  

    We also do not require participation in Discord or other voice apps.  (I might get divorced if I started talking while playing every evening, lol.)

    To get to your question, the general rule in BD is if a player is inactive 3 months or more they get kicked unless we are aware of medical, travel or work issues.  We will get more tolerant if they have been in the club for a long time, less tolerant if they never bother to use the free daily cc xp passes.

    If other club owners want to weigh in, go for it.


  • Gregg893
    4 Posts
    Thu, Aug 3 2023 9:38 PM

    I can only answer how we do it in our club:

    1.  New club members start off as recruits and stay that way until they contribute 10,000 XP points.  If they do not use the daily cc passes, they are removed within 14 days.

    2.  Monthly data downloads (done manually) allow us to track membership contributions.  Members who do not play within 90 days are removed… rare exceptions are taken on a case by case basis.

    3.  Once a member has contributed 50000 XP they are moved from member to veteran.

    It takes a lot of work to stay on top of club member’s contributions but it is worthwhile.

  • AlaskanDame
    19,684 Posts
    Fri, Aug 4 2023 9:00 AM

    My club operates like Tom’s.

    I’m glad I did my summer clean out of inactives (not playing or PM’ing me in 2023) BEFORE the last update.  That update seems to change things so that only ranked rounds are shown for “last date played,” which leaves out TW’s, Showdowns, Alt, skins, and match play.  

    Bad move, WGT. 

  • looselugnutz
    1,566 Posts
    Fri, Aug 4 2023 11:30 AM

    Docs Place is much the same. We have no idea why players come or go, why they play certain forms of the game that they do... We just want to provide a friendly, comfortable place to hang ones hat. When I first took over the club, we had a 3-month 'activity window,' like Tom, but I saw that as a tad too harsh for me. I know from experience that, sometimes, life can get in the way. Hell, I took 7 years off from the game because life happened. I didn't retain my place in my former club, and didn't expect to, but once I returned I found a mate that introduced me to Doc and Skip. I've been here every since.

    What I do keep an eye on is extra points earned, comments made on players pages, and general activity. I'll have a clean out about once every 6 months. And when someone wants to join us, I'll look at their playing history, their previous country club and members, etc., in an effort to keep out, as you say, the rif raf. It doesn't always work, but it's a start.


  • PeteGherardini
    9,145 Posts
    Tue, Aug 8 2023 2:09 PM

    Hi all, Majestic Mountain operates a lot like Tom's club, I just use different numbers. MMCC will not tolerate in-house fighting, if I have a member that get out of line, especially with a female member, they are gone. I find that most of the time if I can get the 2 of them together, they can resolve any issue Thanks guys & gals.


  • Sea2Summitt
    5 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2023 12:30 PM

    Thanks everyone for your input!

    It seems the main way I can tell if someone is actively using their passes is through the xp points, is that correct?

    I  know the "last played" doesn't capture everything including some of the games where passes are used. 

    How do you do the manual download of data that was mentioned?

  • Gregg893
    4 Posts
    Fri, Aug 11 2023 4:23 PM

    Hey Sea2:

    I do a copy and paste from the web version of the WGT.  When you logon, on the left under your screen name, go to "My Country Club"

    When the screen list with all club members come up, I go to the bottom-right, left click and hold to highlight some of the members information.  I go back to the top-left, press the shift key first then select to the left of the first member listed.   This highlights all information from bottom to top.  

    Simply hit CTRL-C to copy, then past that into an Excel file!

    From there you can calculate all kinds of stuff.  Avg score, Avg Club XP contribution, total rounds played, avg. rounds played, and the best part, number of days since the last date played.  But now that WGT has stopped using any game played as the last date, this can be misleading. 

    Hope this helps.


  • grossstadtkerl
    286 Posts
    Thu, Aug 17 2023 10:56 AM

    I am founder and owner of Golf Club an der Alster, a german level 20 club (we will reach level 21 approximately in half a year from now).

    Unfortunately managing the club has become much more difficult with the last two or three updates. On the one hand I miss the weekly leaderboard, on the other hand there is no longer the information about when club members last played. Those information were available since I founded the club in 2017. But with the new UI for country clubs they are gone. Are you also are missing those information? Or are you comfortable with the new UI?


  • Porsche993tt
    14 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2023 9:45 PM

    I am the owner of Porsche club of America. I started and never recruited. We had 8 members until Christmas Day. 50 recruits joined. 20 started playing in the TW. The majority are hacks. The problem I am having is no one will reply to any chats in WGT. I suggested they join Telegram, no response. What do you do with players that do no respond. I do not want to make a rash decision, but after a week of speaking to them about the benefits of belonging to them, I get no response.

    I I think the  middle of January, I’f I do not get a response , I may cut all of them. I opened the club to open join on Christmas Day.

    i do not want to make a rash decision , if these guys do not commit ate, i do not want them.

    need some thoughts on this.
