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Re: The Latest Showdown and a Bounty

Mon, Aug 19 2024 11:01 PM (14 replies)
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  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2024 2:42 PM

    So the last Showdown was pretty rough for a lot of players and its been a issue our Q/A team has been actively chasing for a while now. Unfortunately due to the nature of this issue, while its been pretty apparent in game, its been a tough one to track on the diagnostic side of things. CS has been doing their best to refund players who message in for being given bogies for this disconnect issue but its not the same as being able to complete these Showdown Events without issue. This Showdown issue is still being worked on and in an effort to help get more info to our Q/A team about this issue that may help get it resolved, I am putting out a "Bounty" for information from players that run into this issue for the next Showdown event. 

    So below is a list of questions to fill out for the next Showdown. It may change a little when my next post goes live but this will give a good idea of what to look out for. This will be open to the first 20 or so players who respond with this information and after its verified as correct, they will be rewarded. I'll have a separate post with all the info to fill out as a template to make things easy. All of them would need to be filled out to qualify for the Reward and the more detail the better. The only exception is the "Screenshots" section, if you can give a few and send them in, that would be amazing but I get that not everyone knows how to do screenshots or how to upload them. Lastly, don't try and induce the issue and make it happen, just play normally. 



    Player Username: 
    Opponent Username: 
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 
    Course and Hole: 
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): 
    Whos turn was it: 
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: 
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: 
    What happened when the issue occurred: 
    What did you do in response to this issue: 
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: 
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): 

    Player Username: WGTShamwow
    Opponent Username: WGTChampion
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 12:30pm PST 8/6/24
    Course and Hole: Wolf Creek, Hole 10
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): 1st Round, Game 3, Hole 2
    Whos turn was it: Opponents Turn
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: Score when this happened: 5/8
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: Played through hole 1, took my first shot on hole 2, and on opponents turn, their 45 second timer counted down to 00:00 and game stayed on that screen.
    What happened when the issue occurred: Game stayed on waiting for opponent to take their shot with timer at 00:00 for 10 minutes.
    What did you do in response to this issue: Tried restarting the game after 10 minutes and loaded back into the home screen and was given 2 bogies for unfinished holes. 
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: I believe they closed the game after I took my shot because I was up by 3 shots and my first shot on the 2nd hole gave me a really good chance at an eagle. 
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): Y
    x2 Sleeves of Balls (players choice)

    x1 Seasonal Apparel Item thats no longer available (probably the Pumpkin Head with Halloween coming up)
    x1 Maxed Apparel item (players choice, like taking your Epic Swing Edge Hat and making it level 10)

    I know I am probably going to get a lot of hate from the Community on this, especially posting so close to the end of the last Showdown, but im hoping that with getting this out now with it fresh in peoples minds will help get this information on the next event. There will inevitably be people with "why are you having us do your job", "fix it yourself", "why are you just doing this now" comments and to that, all I am trying to do is just get more info to our Q/A team to hopefully get this fixed. 

    I will be doing a separate post when the next Showdown goes live for the Bounty to collect this information and issue Rewards, so don't start posting it here about the last Showdown. Hell, if this works, maybe we start doing these more in the future to help get other issues resolved with different rewards. 


  • BlackBogey
    646 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2024 9:09 PM


    So the last Showdown was pretty rough for a lot of players and its been a issue our Q/A team has been actively chasing for a while now. Unfortunately due to the nature of this issue, while its been pretty apparent in game, its been a tough one to track on the diagnostic side of things. CS has been doing their best to refund players who message in for being given bogies for this disconnect issue but its not the same as being able to complete these Showdown Events without issue. This Showdown issue is still being worked on and in an effort to help get more info to our Q/A team about this issue that may help get it resolved, I am putting out a "Bounty" for information from players that run into this issue for the next Showdown event. 

    So below is a list of questions to fill out for the next Showdown. It may change a little when my next post goes live but this will give a good idea of what to look out for. This will be open to the first 20 or so players who respond with this information and after its verified as correct, they will be rewarded. I'll have a separate post with all the info to fill out as a template to make things easy. All of them would need to be filled out to qualify for the Reward and the more detail the better. The only exception is the "Screenshots" section, if you can give a few and send them in, that would be amazing but I get that not everyone knows how to do screenshots or how to upload them. Lastly, don't try and induce the issue and make it happen, just play normally. 



    Player Username: 
    Opponent Username: 
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 
    Course and Hole: 
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): 
    Whos turn was it: 
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: 
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: 
    What happened when the issue occurred: 
    What did you do in response to this issue: 
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: 
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): 

    Player Username: WGTShamwow
    Opponent Username: WGTChampion
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 12:30pm PST 8/6/24
    Course and Hole: Wolf Creek, Hole 10
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): 1st Round, Game 3, Hole 2
    Whos turn was it: Opponents Turn
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: Score when this happened: 5/8
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: Played through hole 1, took my first shot on hole 2, and on opponents turn, their 45 second timer counted down to 00:00 and game stayed on that screen.
    What happened when the issue occurred: Game stayed on waiting for opponent to take their shot with timer at 00:00 for 10 minutes.
    What did you do in response to this issue: Tried restarting the game after 10 minutes and loaded back into the home screen and was given 2 bogies for unfinished holes. 
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: I believe they closed the game after I took my shot because I was up by 3 shots and my first shot on the 2nd hole gave me a really good chance at an eagle. 
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): Y
    x2 Sleeves of Balls (players choice)

    x1 Seasonal Apparel Item thats no longer available (probably the Pumpkin Head with Halloween coming up)
    x1 Maxed Apparel item (players choice, like taking your Epic Swing Edge Hat and making it level 10)

    I know I am probably going to get a lot of hate from the Community on this, especially posting so close to the end of the last Showdown, but im hoping that with getting this out now with it fresh in peoples minds will help get this information on the next event. There will inevitably be people with "why are you having us do your job", "fix it yourself", "why are you just doing this now" comments and to that, all I am trying to do is just get more info to our Q/A team to hopefully get this fixed. 

    I will be doing a separate post when the next Showdown goes live for the Bounty to collect this information and issue Rewards, so don't start posting it here about the last Showdown. Hell, if this works, maybe we start doing these more in the future to help get other issues resolved with different rewards. 


    Why would you do this here and not on Discord?  First of all, much bigger audience over there so would get at least twice the responses in about half the time.  Second, posting screenshots over there is stupid easy, where as here it's just plain stupid.

    While I have you ear, why aren't polls conducted before new "improvements" to the game are rolled out, to judge player interest and gather feedback, before just cramming it into an update and saying "Surprise - here's something new, we hope it won't cause any other unintended glitches, be we highly doubt that will be the case."

    And also on a similar topic, why are these new "improvements" not put out with an option to toggle on/off?  You have a section in Settings with a toggle for whether we want shadows and ambient sounds, but nothing for these inane avatar movements.  You have a section in Settings to toggle whether you want Standard or Classic putting grid, but nothing for that giant white line in reverse view putts (you know, the one that's been around for quite a while now, yet you still can't make it work as intended half the time).

  • SamSpayed
    5,066 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2024 9:19 PM

    So the last Showdown was pretty rough for a lot of players and its been a issue our Q/A team has been actively chasing for a while now.

    "A while now" is an understatement.  It's been going on for almost 5 years now.

    I know I am probably going to get a lot of hate from the Community on this

    No hate here.  I applaud you for trying to at least do something to try to resolve this bug.  I was under the impression from Nico in WGT Discord that it was not actively being worked on.  Glad to hear that it is.  Still... 5 years is an awfully long time.  Just saying.

    Good luck.  Hope this works.

  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2024 10:36 AM

    Why would you do this here and not on Discord?  First of all, much bigger audience over there so would get at least twice the responses in about half the time.  Second, posting screenshots over there is stupid easy, where as here it's just plain stupid.

    While I have you ear, why aren't polls conducted before new "improvements" to the game are rolled out, to judge player interest and gather feedback, before just cramming it into an update and saying "Surprise - here's something new, we hope it won't cause any other unintended glitches, be we highly doubt that will be the case."

    And also on a similar topic, why are these new "improvements" not put out with an option to toggle on/off?  You have a section in Settings with a toggle for whether we want shadows and ambient sounds, but nothing for these inane avatar movements.  You have a section in Settings to toggle whether you want Standard or Classic putting grid, but nothing for that giant white line in reverse view putts (you know, the one that's been around for quite a while now, yet you still can't make it work as intended half the time).

    Nico will be announcing this as well on Discord right as the Showdown starts with a link to the new forum post that will also go live. Regarding on why here and not on Discord, its a lot easier to keep track of who put in the info, have they been rewarded, etc. on here rather than Discord. Going back and editing the first post to show who has been rewarded for example is a lot easier and more visible here than it would be on Discord. If it was just about gathering the information quickly, I would say Discord would be better, but I wanted people to be able to see who got rewarded for this easily.

    I believe there have been polls in the past but i'll pass the suggestion along. Most of the feedback and suggestions for game changes comes from what's posted here, on Discord, and sent in to Member Services. 

    Some things are intended to be toggled on and off and some are intended to be part of the game for all players. The option to turn off Shadows and possibly ambient sounds (not 100% on sounds) was given for players who are using lower performing devices as its one thing less to render. Standard vs Classic putting grid is an old carry over from the Flash version of the game for players that have been playing since the Flash days, so they can choose to use the newer or older version. The putting line and avatar animations are intended to show for all players, so there isn't a toggle for these. 

  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2024 11:01 AM

    No hate here.  I applaud you for trying to at least do something to try to resolve this bug.  I was under the impression from Nico in WGT Discord that it was not actively being worked on.  Glad to hear that it is.  Still... 5 years is an awfully long time.  Just saying.

    Good luck.  Hope this works.

    From what I gather, its something that has been under investigation for a while but may be not actively worked on as far as a fix being put in place. Essentially what Q/A will do is receive a report that something is broken, take that info and reproduce it on the test server to see how its broken, and then fix it. Where the issue is, is things work as intended on the test server but the issue still happens on the live server. So hopefully giving Q/A time stamped instances and details of this issue happening on the live server will provide enough info to diagnose the issue or to see where the difference is between the test and live server. 

  • BlackBogey
    646 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2024 3:36 PM


    Why would you do this here and not on Discord?  First of all, much bigger audience over there so would get at least twice the responses in about half the time.  Second, posting screenshots over there is stupid easy, where as here it's just plain stupid.

    While I have you ear, why aren't polls conducted before new "improvements" to the game are rolled out, to judge player interest and gather feedback, before just cramming it into an update and saying "Surprise - here's something new, we hope it won't cause any other unintended glitches, be we highly doubt that will be the case."

    And also on a similar topic, why are these new "improvements" not put out with an option to toggle on/off?  You have a section in Settings with a toggle for whether we want shadows and ambient sounds, but nothing for these inane avatar movements.  You have a section in Settings to toggle whether you want Standard or Classic putting grid, but nothing for that giant white line in reverse view putts (you know, the one that's been around for quite a while now, yet you still can't make it work as intended half the time).

    Nico will be announcing this as well on Discord right as the Showdown starts with a link to the new forum post that will also go live. Regarding on why here and not on Discord, its a lot easier to keep track of who put in the info, have they been rewarded, etc. on here rather than Discord. Going back and editing the first post to show who has been rewarded for example is a lot easier and more visible here than it would be on Discord. If it was just about gathering the information quickly, I would say Discord would be better, but I wanted people to be able to see who got rewarded for this easily.

    I believe there have been polls in the past but i'll pass the suggestion along. Most of the feedback and suggestions for game changes comes from what's posted here, on Discord, and sent in to Member Services. 

    Some things are intended to be toggled on and off and some are intended to be part of the game for all players. The option to turn off Shadows and possibly ambient sounds (not 100% on sounds) was given for players who are using lower performing devices as its one thing less to render. Standard vs Classic putting grid is an old carry over from the Flash version of the game for players that have been playing since the Flash days, so they can choose to use the newer or older version. The putting line and avatar animations are intended to show for all players, so there isn't a toggle for these. 

    Thanks for the reply.  I don't buy it for second, but at least good to know someone is reading these and replying.  If shadows/sounds can be togggled off because "it's something else to render", are you telling me that the goofy animated avatards don't require extra rendering power?  And if you put in a toggle for some people who refuse to adjust to the newer putting style the rest of us shouldn't be forced to adapt to the thick white putting line or other options that make the game less enjoyable for us.  Just my 2 cents, and thanks again for at least attempting to explain.

  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2024 5:13 PM

    Thanks for the reply.  I don't buy it for second, but at least good to know someone is reading these and replying.  If shadows/sounds can be togggled off because "it's something else to render", are you telling me that the goofy animated avatards don't require extra rendering power?  And if you put in a toggle for some people who refuse to adjust to the newer putting style the rest of us shouldn't be forced to adapt to the thick white putting line or other options that make the game less enjoyable for us.  Just my 2 cents, and thanks again for at least attempting to explain.

    The updated avatars probably to take a little extra to render the animation but as its an object thats already there, it probably doesn't take as much compared to adding shadows to each hole. 

    Standard vs Classic was during a time when Flash was being made obsolete and the PC version, which is structured on the already established mobile version of the game, was being added. Since the mobile and flash versions used different grids, an option was put in so players that were having to migrate to the new version wouldn't have to relearn how to putt in game. 

    From what I recall, the putting line was shown in other views but was missing in the reverse view, but was intended to be there and is why it was added. I'll take your feedback and pass it along, but currently theres no plan on adding a toggle option for either of these as they are intended to be shown for all players.


    Back to the original reason for this thread, once the Showdown goes live, I will add a separate thread to report issue that will have the questions in an additional post. I will also link back to this thread for more of an explanation on whats going on and Nico will post a link in Discord as well. Hopefully this gives Q/A enough information to finally track down the issue and get this resolved. 

  • Just88888888
    15 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2024 6:00 AM

    Hi WGTShamWow,

    The only real solution to this problem with being unable to successfully complete Showdowns is to allow for Solo Showdown Play, I have had crashes, quitters and forfeiters cause over half of my past Showdowns to be sabotaged by these conditions,.

    I see this issue goes back many years and there are post from 2021 and earlier.

    Of course I would still be happy to pay the Coin fee for each round.

    The last Showdown Rush really got me as I started with a rare Hole-In-One on the very first hole, got to -5 and was unable to even tee of on the final 3 holes (7-9) with the disconnect error occurring while I was on the tee.

    I understand that this is a hard one to track, but I am at the point of giving up on playing Showdown's, which I believe are one of the best features of this game.

    With all due respect for this game,

    Thank You




  • pmm711
    5,809 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2024 10:01 AM

    Player Username: PMM711
    Opponent Username: REIBARBUT
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 8/12/24 @ 12:35pm EDT (Atlanta)
    Course and Hole: Pebble Beach 18th Hole
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): Round 1, Game 2, Hole 1
    Whos turn was it: PMM711
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: 0-0 We were both on our approach shots, 2nd shots, on hole 1 of our match.  It was Holes 4-6 for me.
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: REIBARBUT hit his approach and it was then my turn.  My aimer wouldn't move so I had to hard shutdown, X out, of the game and  restart the launcher.  The saved game was loading but never finished and the screen just sat there at the 0;00 mark.  
    What happened when the issue occurred: The game on my side froze without an aimer or my avi's ability to move.
    What did you do in response to this issue: I had no choice but to Hard X out of the game or else I would have experienced 2 timeouts and would have been DQ'd.
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: N/A
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): Y

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