Player Username: PMM711
Opponent Username: REIBARBUT
Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 8/12/24 @ 12:35pm EDT (Atlanta)
Course and Hole: Pebble Beach 18th Hole
Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): Round 1, Game 2, Hole 1
Whos turn was it: PMM711
Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: 0-0 We were both on our approach shots, 2nd shots, on hole 1 of our match. It was Holes 4-6 for me.
Events leading up to when the issue happened: REIBARBUT hit his approach and it was then my turn. My aimer wouldn't move so I had to hard shutdown, X out, of the game and restart the launcher. The saved game was loading but never finished and the screen just sat there at the 0;00 mark.
What happened when the issue occurred: The game on my side froze without an aimer or my avi's ability to move.
What did you do in response to this issue: I had no choice but to Hard X out of the game or else I would have experienced 2 timeouts and would have been DQ'd. The launcher was loading the saved game and it looked like the game would resume, but, the saved game reloading just froze up.
Additional Info/Weird Observations: N/A
Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): Y
I sent screenshots and here's my scorecard showing the 3 glitch bogies...

WGTShamWow:Desired Rewards:
Ball Type/Level (copy and paste from proshop is easiest):
Pumpkin Head or Maxed Item (if Maxed Item, provide which item and rarity):
1) It would be nice to have the 3.5M Coins lost because of the glitch since Q2 2024 reimbursed to me. I've reported this to WGT CS many times and to Nico (reimbursement amount over his authority) to no avail. I want it to be clear that I'm not throwing Nico under the bus or anything as he's the best communicator you guys have over there. I'm merely stating what he wrote to me in response to my reimbursement request. It's not like I'm in need as I have 26M coins, but still, I shouldn't have had to lose any because of a known game issue that WGT hasn't addressed for 5+ years now. I reported these game issue losses while they occurred, but, I figured you had bigger fish to fry aka "known issues" and my request for reimbursement was a lower priority...or just missed.
2) Reward Ball

3) Item to Max to Level 10