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RED HOT Showdown - Bounty (Closed)

rated by 0 users
Sun, Aug 18 2024 9:39 PM (19 replies)
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  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2024 10:28 AM

    Read here for more info: 

    In an effort to help our Q/A team track down this Showdown hanging issue, I am putting out a bounty for information on this connection issue. 

    Please copy and paste the questions below into a new post and answer them. All questions would need to be answered to qualify for the bounty rewards except for screen shots, but it would be nice to have those as well. The first 20 players that fill out the form and the information is verified will receive the following rewards. 

    x2 Sleeves of balls (players choice)

    2018 Pumpkin Head apparel item (the one in my profile picture)
    Leveling up 1 apparel item to Max in a players inventory. 

    Players Rewarded:
    beerstine (messaged for reward)

    ***Closed as the Showdown has ended***

  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2024 10:31 AM

    Copy and Paste these questions and fill them out to report the issue you encountered.

    Your Username: 
    Opponent Username: 
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 
    Course and Hole: 
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): 
    Whos turn was it: 
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: 
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: 
    What happened when the issue occurred: 
    What did you do in response to this issue: 
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: 
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): 

    Desired Rewards:
    Ball Type/Level (copy and paste name and level from proshop is easiest):
    Pumpkin Head or Maxed Item (if Maxed Item, provide which item and rarity):

  • pmm711
    5,808 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2024 11:36 AM

    Player Username: PMM711
    Opponent Username: REIBARBUT
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 8/12/24 @ 12:35pm EDT (Atlanta)
    Course and Hole: Pebble Beach 18th Hole
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): Round 1, Game 2, Hole 1
    Whos turn was it: PMM711
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: 0-0 We were both on our approach shots, 2nd shots, on hole 1 of our match.  It was Holes 4-6 for me.
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: REIBARBUT hit his approach and it was then my turn.  My aimer wouldn't move so I had to hard shutdown, X out, of the game and  restart the launcher.  The saved game was loading but never finished and the screen just sat there at the 0;00 mark.  
    What happened when the issue occurred: The game on my side froze without an aimer or my avi's ability to move.
    What did you do in response to this issue: I had no choice but to Hard X out of the game or else I would have experienced 2 timeouts and would have been DQ'd.  The launcher was loading the saved game and it looked like the game would resume, but, the saved game reloading just froze up.
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: N/A
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): Y

    I sent screenshots and here's my scorecard showing the 3 glitch bogies...

    Desired Rewards:
    Ball Type/Level (copy and paste from proshop is easiest):
    Pumpkin Head or Maxed Item (if Maxed Item, provide which item and rarity):

    1)  It would be nice to have the 3.5M Coins lost because of the glitch since Q2 2024 reimbursed to me.  I've reported this to WGT CS many times and to Nico (reimbursement amount over his authority) to no avail.  I want it to be clear that I'm not throwing Nico under the bus or anything as he's the best communicator you guys have over there.  I'm merely stating what he wrote to me in response to my reimbursement request.  It's not like I'm in need as I have 26M coins, but still, I shouldn't have had to lose any because of a known game issue that WGT hasn't addressed for 5+ years now.  I reported these game issue losses while they occurred, but, I figured you had bigger fish to fry aka "known issues" and my request for reimbursement was a lower priority...or just missed.

    2) Reward Ball 

    3) Item to Max to Level 10


  • ChubbsGilmore88
    1 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2024 11:39 AM

    Your Username:

    Opponent Username:

    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone):
    2024/08/12 @ 11:34am EST

    Course and Hole:
    PGA National Hole 6/9

    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): Round 1 / Game 2 / Hole 6/9
    Whos turn was it:
    Mine. I was putting for birdie when the reconnecting screen appeared.

    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened:
    I was E for the round (3 holes) Opponent was +1

    Events leading up to when the issue happened:
    I was brought to the reconnecting screen on hole 6/9 during my putt for birdie.

    What happened when the issue occurred:
    I was getting ready to putt for birdie on hole 6/9 when all of a sudden the game went to the Waiting for player to reconnect screen. It said St.Andrews but we were playing on PGA so I let the timer run out and nothing happened, I closed and reopened the app on my mobile and it brought me to main screen. When I checked the leaderboard, it showed that I completed 3/9 and erased the previous 2 holes but no bogeys.

    What did you do in response to this issue:
    I waited for the timer to run out, nothing happened once the timer ran out. So I closed the app on my mobile (iPhone 13) and reopened.

    Additional Info/Weird Observations:

    No bogies were given, and the 2 holes I had played were erased and the leaderboard shows 3/9 completed.

    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): 

    Desired Rewards:
    Ball Type/Level (copy and paste from proshop is easiest):
    Titleist Pro V1x Balls (Slow Meter) (L93+)

    Pumpkin Head or Maxed Item (if Maxed Item, provide which item and rarity):
    Pumpkin Head


  • RedGoat2
    3 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2024 12:09 PM

    Your Username: 
    Opponent Username: 
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 
    Course and Hole: 
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): 
    Whos turn was it: 
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: 
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: 
    What happened when the issue occurred: 
    What did you do in response to this issue: 
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: 
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): 

    Desired Rewards:
    Ball Type/Level (copy and paste from proshop is easiest):
    Pumpkin Head or Maxed Item (if Maxed Item, provide which item and rarity):Your Username: RedGoat2

    Opponent Username: /?

    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 12p PDT
    Course and Hole: SHAMWOW 7-9
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): 
    Whos turn was it: 
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: 
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: timed out for reconnection
    What happened when the issue occurred: glitchy and unstable
    What did you do in response to this issue: What could I do. looked for solution and found your site
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: 
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): 

    Desired Rewards:
    Ball Type/Level (copy and paste from proshop is easiest):
    Pumpkin Head or Maxed Item (if Maxed Item, provide which item and rarity):


    Not enough information

  • pgturne
    4,873 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2024 1:19 PM

    Your Username:pgturne 
    Opponent Username: pingedinthehole
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): Australian eastern time 13/8/24 05.38 to 06.04 appr
    Course and Hole: Pebble Beach Hole 18 Hole one of showdown event
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): Round 1 Hole 1
    Whos turn was it: pingedinthehole
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: no score as first shot
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: I teed off no issue then it froze
    What happened when the issue occurred: the circles just stared going around. The opponents club waggled and that was it
    What did you do in response to this issue: closed the window a few times, opponent did the same
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: 
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): 

    Desired Rewards:
    Ball Type/Level (copy and paste from proshop is easiest):
    Pumpkin Head or Maxed Item (if Maxed Item, provide which item and rarity):

    ylorMade TP5x Balls (L48+)

    TaylorMade TP5x Ball (L48+)
    Distance 4.5 4.5
    Spin 3.5 3.5
    Durability 2.5 2.5
    Meter Speed 3.0 3.0


    & Cost
      White (400 Cr) 

    3 Pack of TaylorMade TP5x Balls

    2018 Pumpkin Head apparel item

    Also I play on a pc

  • dad19733
    169 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2024 1:37 PM

    Opponent Username: tigeryall
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 515 GMT-3
    Course and Hole: pga National hole 18
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): first round, first game, first hole
    Whos turn was it: opponent 
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: 2 2
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: opponent took 3rd shot game froze. 
    What happened when the issue occurred: waiting for player to reconnect can't on screen, then error of saved game no longer exists. 
    What did you do in response to this issue: restarted game
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: 
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): n

    This same error occurred all 3 rounds. I ended up +3 for qualifying 

    Taylor made tp5 balls level 47+

    Pumkinhead apparel item please

  • WLawson22
    6 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2024 4:18 AM

    Your Username: Wes Lawson
    Opponent Username: KUTZ2U
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 6:00AM CT US
    Course and Hole: Pinehurst #6 first hole of showdown
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): Round 1 Game 1 Hole 1
    Whos turn was it: Opponents
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: 0 - 0 I hit my tee shot then spinning
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: Game took a while to match.. I teed off she locked up.
    What happened when the issue occurred: Opponent just spun never appeared in game
    What did you do in response to this issue: waitied initially then closed and reopned 2 time everntually it booted me out of the game and gave me 3 boogies
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: I have a screen shot of when I tried to reboot it said the course was St Andrews not Pinehurst, I will email them
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): 

    Desired Rewards:
    Ball Type/Level (copy and paste name and level from proshop is easiest): Titleist Slow Meter Balls 
    Pumpkin Head or Maxed Item (if Maxed Item, provide which item and rarity): SE Bucket Hat

  • SpazzStick
    264 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2024 12:16 PM

    Your Username: SpazzStick
    Opponent Username: BillyDeez
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): 2:08pm CST 8/13/24
    Course and Hole: Pinehurst
    Round/Game/Hole (Round 1, Game 1, Hole1): 
    Whos turn was it: theirs
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: 1-1
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: was waiting for opponent to take second shot when shot timed out and kept spinning. 
    What happened when the issue occurred: waited for 30 seconds to see if it would resolve then closed and tried to restart game launcher. opponents avatar didn't move to show they were lining up a shot so i assumed they were also on the spinning timer.
    What did you do in response to this issue: restarted game launcher
    Additional Info/Weird Observations: 
    Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): Did not get a screenshot

    Desired Rewards:

    Titleist Pro V1x Balls L87+

    Rare Swing Edge Bucket Hat


    Needs more info

    *edited with more info

  • sodakknight
    705 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2024 5:05 PM

    Your Username: sodakknight
    Opponent Username:srqhacker
    Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): August 12th 2024 at approximately 11:40am CDT
    Course and Hole: PGA (normally the 18th)
    Round/Game/Hole (ex. Round 1, Game 3, Hole2): Round 1, game 2, end  of 1st hole
    Whos turn was it: we had finished when the disconnect happened
    Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: I was at -2 this game (-5 total)
    Events leading up to when the issue happened: we had finished hole and then it showed opponent disconnected
    What happened when the issue occurred: I waited until the clock counted to zero then screen froze
    What did you do in response to this issue: after clock counted to zero I waited for 3 minutes, hit cancel and received a box stating both players forfeited.  I did not forfeit!  I waited but got nowhere!
    Additional Info/Weird Observations:  This is the second showdown in a row this has happened.

    Cally Chrome tour ulttra slow level 0+

    Swing Edge Cap Common

    Please and Thank you

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