Player Username: fmagnets
Opponent Username: roadking20020
Time and Date issue occurred (including timezone): First at 00.47, then again at 00.49, 19th Aug 2024, Brazilian (Brasilia) time, UTC -3
Course and Hole: Oakmont, hole 4
Round/Game/Hole: Round 3, game 6, hole 1.
Whose turn was it: My turn at 00.47, opponent's turn at 00.49
Your Score/Opponents Score when this happened: Both our 3rd shots, putting for eagle, so our scores were 2 apiece when it was my putt, and 3 for me and 2 for him when it was his putt.
Events leading up to when the issue happened: Nothing unusual. We both played our shots to the green without issue, then came the eagle putts. In both cases the screen loaded the view for the putts we had to take, but the shot clock didn't appear and start counting down.
What happened when the issue occurred: When the shot clock didn't appear, there was no way to take the shot when it was my turn, and no way to see the opponent aiming his shot (his avatar would be moving to read the putt) when it was his turn.
What did you do in response to this issue: I know from experience to load a web page to check my connection (fine in both cases). Then, sometimes you can kick-start the shot clock by loading the opponent's profile, or the scorecard, or the hole info, and wait for the 15s countdown to take you back to the shot view. In these cases, this didn't work, though it often does. I then know there is no option but to close the game client and restart, because if you wait too long you will be timed out of the game. In both cases, the game was waiting for us in the lobby and we were able to continue. If I hadn't known to do this stuff in a timely fashion, I would have got the 3 bogeys for sure. If it had happened a 3rd time, there is no way out because restarting the client a 3rd time brings auto-disqualification, and not restarting gets you timed out of the game without being able to play a shot.
Additional Info/Weird Observations: I am not sure what protocols the game has to check through to progress a matchplay game, but my guess is once your shot is loaded and ready to play, the client has to receive a signal that the opponent is also connected and ready to watch the shot. For some reason, this signal isn't received, so the shot clock does not start and there is no way to play on. The programming is perhaps not robust enough to check whether something has gone wrong or a signal has been missed.
Screenshots sent to (Subject: "Bounty (Username)" (Y/N): N. Nothing to see other than the correct shot view but without the shot clock showing and counting down.
x2 Sleeves of Balls (players choice): L98 Callys please
x1 Maxed Apparel item (players choice, like taking your Epic Swing Edge Hat and making it level 10): Epic SE hat please