Perhaps an explanation if needed of what u mean by the improvement should be included but a one thru 5 list of what we would like to see improved would be able to be turned into a priorty list for what needs fixed, added, removed or improved.
For instance I cant stand doing the subtraction on number five on Kiawah from an extreme downhill putt from the fringe and having the ball move 2 inches even though I hit it five feet. Of course when I add another foot to the next shot it goes three feet by the hole. I've given up on chipping and flop almost always and this could be a related item along with the duffed chip shot as would some inconsistent wind such as number one Kiawah as the head wind or tailwind is almost non existent.
As for the replays I skype a lot and never hear anything but disgust about the time they consume. Wgt is hurting its own income with less ball wear and tear and therefore delaying a new course or two. However a hole out is something everyone would like to see. Worst of all is the 7 yarder I missed as bad as the seven iron I just missed the green wth yet have to see my mistake over again.
1. Fix the unrealistic shot distances mentioned above.
2. Get rid of the replays except for the the hole outs.
3. New courses.
4. Load time or disconnects from the lobby to the first tee. If the game isn't started quickly often all the players don't see all the others invited and wonder why you don't hit tee off.
5. Meter glitches that cost balls or just make the balls cheaper during the Beta. I like the dime a sleeve balls but this is more for my friends that play the more expensive balls. In general smoothing out of the meter is the problem and we do use gamebooster and firefox.
This is not intended to be for arguements about what individual votes are considered wrong or right, (you know who you are). Just place your votes with explanations if needed in order of your priority of what is needed to be improved the most. Putting down someone's choice is not the intention of this thread, for a change please.