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Re: 3 suggestions

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Sat, Jan 2 2010 8:24 PM (8 replies)
  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2010 1:47 PM

    Happy New Year everyone! 

    To the creators, congrats on this awesome game!  Very addicting

    I see there have been some great suggestions so far, I thought of 4 more.  I like the driving range, chipping putting green idea especially so we can try out new clubs. 

    1.  Please show the powerbar/swing action in the replay.  Then I can judge what exactly I did wrong/right on shots when combined with the wind, slope of green etc.  Not seeing where I hit the ball I really have no idea when looking at the replay just how I played the shot.  Also it would be nice to ALWAYS have a reverse angle view of your shot, you can then judge just how much the wind blew the ball, etc. 

    2.  Show also where you were "aiming" in the replay for same reasons as above.  You also need to know which CLUB you were using so that should be shown also. 

    3.  Heartbeat soundeffect when within 10 feet also in stroke play not just closest to hole. 

    4.  Music!   I actually really like the background music that you have when on the main menu, if that could somehow be expanded on and then an OPTION for people while playing some people might enjoy this. 

    Thanks for this awesome game!   :)



  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2010 6:25 PM

    One more thing, it is really hard to tell how much the green is "sloping" up or down on your putts. It is really hard to know how hard to hit the ball when you cant tell how steep your putt is or how much it is sloping up, at least after 10 games I am still finding this the hardest part of the game.

    It seems you are always putting downhill, kind of an optical illusion maybe not sure.

    What we need is a "slope meter", something that confirms whether your overall putt is more or less level or if you are putting downhill or uphill, just how much is the slope.

    Crosshairs running up and down instead of just side to side would also be another way to accomplish the same thing and actually be more accurate since the slope wont always be the same, especially on long putts. The little white things moving up and down at different speeds like with the side to side crosshairs would show accurately the slope.

  • mefitz
    372 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2010 7:05 PM

      Hi jayjonbeach, you can click and drag the aiming marker (which also shows the elevation and distance) around all you want to get a feel for the terrain. Anything more, like gun scopes etc..... why bother playing? There should be Some challenge to the game...yes? GL and enjoy

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2010 7:14 PM

    Don't you think your being a little to critical mefitz? The guys been a member for five days.


  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2010 7:23 PM

    Hehe no worries guys.  I thought about his point before posting actually, I mean the same thing crossed my mind. 

    The problem is the way it is now you are guessing basing on how accurately the slope is displayed and it is not always accurately displayed, I could have sworn a certain putt was downhill and really it was actually uphill for an example.  Of course I want a course to be challenging but "guessing" while golfing?  Nah, not realistic anymore. 

    If the up/down crosshairs were also displayed (like the side to side) and that was deemed to be too easy, then you could have players have to stop the power meter at the desired "power" level as well as the left-to-right sweet spot at the end of the stroke.

    I really dont think it will make it too easy, it will just display the slope better, more accurately.  You will still have to JUDGE how hard to hit the ball.  Just like with the side to side break and the crosshair indicators, you still have to JUDGE just how far left or right to hit the ball and that is not usually easy, especially on faster or harder greens.

    So I disagree it will make it too easy and I definitely think it would be a HUGE improvement.  Also, dragging the aiming marker does absolutely NIL for you on the putting green. 

  • mefitz
    372 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2010 7:41 PM

      I apologize, jayjonbeach, if I came off as being critical. I was trying to say about ten sentences in one.

      Actually, if you make it a habit of dragging the marker around, you`ll find that the putt that "got away from you" would have shown the slope "sneaking" up hill between the ball and the hole. This tool is only as good as it`s used properly and a lot of people don`t even think to check what lies between them and the hole besides the break of the putt. You have already found out that it`s important to check, and I was trying to point you in the right direction. I think you`ll find that dragging the marker around will give you a Very good idea what the greens are like. That`s why I disagreed with your suggestion.

      As to your replay suggestion, I agree that it would help enormously in the learning curve.


  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2010 7:53 PM

    Ahh okay now I see what you are talking about, it does show you up/down and by how much whatever spot you put the aiming meter relative to where your standing.  Thanks for pointing this out, funny I never realized that "that" info was even there!!!   

    Crikey that will help for sure, hopefully it helps enough, better than guessing no question.  I still like the up/down crosshairs idea though.  

  • mefitz
    372 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2010 8:03 PM

      Everyone has their own way of doing/seeing things and that`s why suggestions are always welcome...perspectives and "better ideas". I just happen to think that what we have is pretty good for reading the greens and adding more to it wouldn`t be enough of a benefit, just my 2 cents.

      I`m glad you see how to use it now, I hate guessing too!

  • bargs
    1 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2010 8:24 PM
    Happy New Year everyone I have a problem I think everyone is suffering from.....Problem in the pit There are no attractive .....