Hey guys, I'm MC
Just recently in the last week made Legend. I have been playing for about 8 months now and now that I have reached Legend I am looking for the next new high. I'm what you would call a semi-active player. I log-in everyday to check forums and watch videos at the very least, but don't always have time for a full round. I usually play in spurts where I'll play one round a day for a couple days, and then play for 4 straight hours the next day. I don't join many paid for tournaments these days because quite frankly even though I'm legend I have no chance in placing anywhere in the top. I guess you could say I'm looking for a CC that fits that gamer-style, one that doesnt have strict requirements on playing paid-for tourneys, or playing a round every single day, but is ok with a few rounds a week and maybe the occasional tournament entry every week. I am a Bartender by trade so when I play it's usually either in the middle of the day (11-3pm CST) or after I get off work (1-4am CST) so a CC that has members that are on during those times would be preffered so I could play rounds with other members. If there's something out that that I fit the need of and is looking, let me know.
Thanks, MC
invite sent check it out
Hi Roy of the WeedWhackers we hold 10, Free to play Tournies a week, Crazy Knock-outs, 36. Holer Tournies, and Active member Dial-up games Alternat, skins, ect, Also sent you an lnvite
Drop a request....edge
Thanks for all the invites and inquiries everybody. I have found a CC and joined the ranks. Thanks again and happy hitting to all.