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Re: consistecy , wtf?

rated by 0 users
Mon, Apr 9 2012 5:29 PM (26 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,789 Posts
    Mon, Jan 2 2012 7:22 PM


    i'm ranked 68. and still having issues.... are you brain dead?

    sry, handicapped.... guess i  am

    i suggest fixing the f******** game! my wii has better consistency with tiger woods.

    Until you take the advice I gave you earlier your game will always be inconsistent. The meter speeds and precision of your clubs is all over the place.You can't play very consistently when your driver has one speed your 3 wood and hybrid have another your irons have yet another and your only good wedge has one much much faster than the rest. You're just shooting your self in the foot so to speak when you clubs are that mixed up. And do your self a very big favor and either get a better putter or go back to the starter. The starter is even better than the Spider.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Jan 2 2012 10:39 PM

    i'm ranked 68. and still having issues.... are you brain dead?


    This talk will get ya all kinds of assistance

    i suggest fixing the f******** game! my wii has better consistency with tiger woods.


    Then why ya here?


    Have you bothered to look around a bit and notice some folks put up constant scores.

    Could it be, just maybe...I know it's a longshot, but the problem may be you and not the game?


    If you have an open mind, and are willing to take help (and have to ask first) you might be surprised at the outcome.

  • stephenluther
    42 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2012 4:13 PM

    *** you too


  • stephenluther
    42 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2012 4:15 PM


    have you bothered to see some are wgt players you *** idiot?


  • Topcat488
    172 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2012 4:25 PM


    *** you too


    You still here... And why are you replying to  posts that were sent in January? 

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2012 4:58 PM


    *** you too


    Depends, will this be a one-nighter, or are you looking for a commitment?

  • DanWidget
    1,307 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2012 5:29 PM


    do your ppl really suck this much? fk spelling... im pissed i ever spent money here

    you think making me look like an azz you get more? i'm leaving this game *** you


    thx for your reply... yours was the only constructive reply from the bunch.

    Do you actually wonder why you only received 1 constructive post to your original one. it makes me smile how people keep threatening to leave the game yet never seem to be able to let go of it,  guess WGT must have it in for you as plenty seem to be able to play consistent golf on here.

    I now await you people skills to kick in again..