I was looking forward to making more putts, but the opposite has happened. When I play practice rounds with it, if I am close to the hole I'll whack it away and try again, so I have attempted many putts, but still can't get the hang of it.
Advice, anyone?
I was thinking of getting the L35 ghost as well. I just came back form a long hiatus of 2.5 years on 5/05/12. Right away I had to remap the distances for tourney greens speed. Did that with the red spider... L19 i guess it is now.
Then I rented the L35 cuz I read the distances were mapped out exactly the same except you also get a 15 foot meter... cool!
But, the meter is not EXACTLY the same size as the L19 red spider. I base my mapping on avatar moves at each distance level (not %) and then go from there. The L35 moves do not match my mapping for the moves of the L19. Hence the distances are off on the 25 meter and then relatively more and more as you go up in scales.
I couldn't use the L35 without a complete remapping for it.
Not sure about the putter pal thing... but if you are using a handmade scale based on percent and you expect 40% to go 14 feet, it will be off.
This was my observation in working with the L35 for about 10 minutes.
Well after messing with this further... not all the above is right. It is true that a couple of the avatar moves do not line up PERFECTLY... the first move on the 25 meter... the first move on the 150 meter... perhaps others... they are only off very slightly... like a 1/16 of an inch or less. I'm using the mapping for my L19 red spider in a round and any deviations like i mentioned can really be adjusted for without a total remapping. Having the 15 ft meter is nice. I'm still testing to refute what I stated before this edit. It appears upon further investigation (haha... i sound soooo scientific, NOT!) my previous conclusions were likely made to quickly.
Lastly, (1)... it seems you have to ding this this for the distances to remain consistent... especially in the 15 ft scale. (2)... A ding also seems to give you .6 - 12 inches more length... possibly proportionate to the scale 15, 25, 50 etc you're on... a ding giving more length per longer scales. I haven't noticed either of those things beings quite as obviously apparent about the L19 spider.
[ I'm actually not obsessive compulsive or a bean counter... I have a love/hate with this game... currently rolling the love side... ]
I'm silly.