While you are checking----I am very tired of paying over $1.00 per ball and you remove them after 2 or 3 rounds---thats crap
Fluck, reading and comprehension is obviously not a prerequisite to join this site.
The answer to the question has been posted. Does everyone else really need Icon to say "Ya...they are right"?
Esssy, you need to cap the bottle my friend.
Midoh: Tam, If anything, The price of the less expensive club will go up. You won't see the price of the more expensive one drop. I wouldn't press the issue too much, or find any more similarities that they can exploit.
Tam, If anything, The price of the less expensive club will go up. You won't see the price of the more expensive one drop. I wouldn't press the issue too much, or find any more similarities that they can exploit.
I had this thought. So I bought the more expensive and the better, listen to the expert! ;) But I'm still curious to know the developing of the matter. Someone's irony is not welcome. We 'r in a free world where to ask is permitted and to answer is kindness.
One has square grooves and one has V grooves. If clubs are priced wrong and you bought one are rebates coming?
Littlerascle: This is where the stats can be very misleading, the L60 rocks. It lands softer and spins a lot more. I would also say it flies a good 5 yards longer depending on which ball you pair it up with. You will also find it plays great out of tough lies.
This is where the stats can be very misleading, the L60 rocks. It lands softer and spins a lot more. I would also say it flies a good 5 yards longer depending on which ball you pair it up with.
You will also find it plays great out of tough lies.
Not no more. The spin rate of the level 60+ Ping wedge has definitely been tweaked. Like another poster said, WGT got right on that. Now Everyone has to pay 345 credits for a wedge that performs like a 200 credit Ping wedge. This Ping wedge would spin back three to four yards with a 1/3 to 1/2 back-spin applied. Not no more. What a shame.