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Re: Some of these scores - seriously - WGT needs to monitor

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Wed, Jan 25 2012 8:11 PM (15 replies)
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  • Longwedge
    885 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2012 11:32 AM


    are you saying that since you can't shoot these scores then someone who can must be cheating???

    That's what it sounds like.  


    The ctth scores can be explained easily ( I think)  take notes on each shot (which club, how much spin, how much power etc etc) and hit restart  a lot.   Your scores will get low.

    As for me, I don't think that I will ever be one of those players shooting super low scores, and I am fine with that.  But, I will not go whining about those who do.

    Longwedge likes this

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2012 1:16 PM

    To achieve that this player has had to land his ball inside of 5 foot on every hole

    And your point is what?  You have to average 5 that 10 foot slip-up can be offset by a couple of shots to 1 or 2 ft.  Given that some of the CTTH shots are only 20 or 30 yds...that's very doable for the top players.

    To illustrate, I played a blitz with a young lady the other day (who happens to be a top player on here)...and she scored 220,000+, without a HIO or a hit flagstick!  Every shot was inside 10ft, and most were well inside 5!  I don't know what her total distance was for the 9 shot, but under 50ft is pretty much guaranteed.  Oh, and she even livestreamed part of it, so she had a lovely, jumpy meter to contend with for a few shots.

    Do I think she cheated to do it?  Not at all.  She's simply THAT good!

    And 12-under for 18??  You're right.  That's totally crazy.  Bolly must have had a bad day putting.....

  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2012 1:21 PM

    And 12-under for 18??  You're right.  That's totally crazy.  Bolly must have had a bad day putting.....



  • StormTigers
    264 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2012 2:46 PM

    OKAY  points taken guys !

    I do still think there are people out there that somehow are manipulating the system to achieve results and win free credits.

     I don't really see the point in running tournaments for the elite players to tally up freebies day in day out can you ? I look at leaderboards and think to myself - no point in paying to enter this when all I am doing is handing over my credits to someone so I look at the free to enters and a lot of the same people are there as well.

    My suggestion ?  Ranked Tournaments based on skill levels and achievement levels.

    I play Country Club tournaments for this very reason. In a couple of them guys that played really at the same or slightly better skill level than me, were at the top having carded realistic +2 or Even scores.. Attainable for your average Joe and inviting.

    The trouble is if you make it a pay to play tournament and have some sort of decent prize pool it basically gets hijacked by the elite and that is a huge dis-incentive to even go there. 

    I suggested that WGT make available a portion of the accrued earnings of the Country Club to offer as small prizes so that you can encourage this level of player to compete in such tournaments . After all for the most part those credits were attained by player spending money in the first place. And if it's ranked tournament  then the average joe may be interested in competing more often ! With a fair field based on skill ranking and luck on the day maybe they can pocket a couple of credits to buy some "bloody expensive virtual golf balls".

    Sure let the "super touring master pro's" play each other for credits - no different to watching the PGA on TV. But by ranking the tournaments so those who can shoot the dot off the top on the letter "i" at 200 yards are not eligible to enter so that your average player has some incentive to compete and participate other than to be on the bottom of the leaderboard with not a hope in hell of ever winning.

    I think that's more what I was getting at.

    The way it currently happens it's a bit like playing in a real game at the local golf club where you thought you had a chance to win the local golf club trophy but Woods,Els, Ogilvie etc etc have already signed in on the day for the same tournament.

    And please it's a forum - I am voicing my opinion be it right or wrong - don';t get upset !

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2012 7:46 PM

    I do still think there are people out there that somehow are manipulating the system to achieve results and win free credits.

    Okay...when you put it like that?  Much better.  And much more likely to garner a decent response.  Assuming that by "manipuating the system", you're referring to the bandsaggers and such?  No argument there. ;)

    What ruffles feathers 'round here is the insinuation that the top scores on the leaderboards are somehow achieved by questionable means (i.e. Dingy-Thingy software).  That'll get you jumped on every time.  Too many players can shoot those scores without any help at all.  (assuming that the 40-something score in the CTTH was a legend tier score?  or an open tourney at least?  if it's pro-tier, that might be a bit of a red flag)


    I suggested that WGT make available a portion of the accrued earnings of the Country Club to offer as small prizes

    If you replace "WGT" with, "members of your CC", you might have it solved.  WGT's already paid out the club earnings to the members, so they certainly won't do it again (as pleasant an idea as that is).

    Your best solution is probably to create free CC Tourneys that have virtual prizes, which have been donated by one or more of your CC members (balls, clubs, credits, etc.).  Possibly charge a sleeve of balls as entry fee instead....losers gift them to the winner(s)? Limit the eligibility for the prizes to specific tiers (and/or levels and averages), and clearly state this to your members.  The donors and/or entrants control the payout, so you eliminate any hijacking.

    I dunno, just a thought?

    PS: If you DO somehow convince WGT to give you some of your club earnings to use for prizes....can you let the rest of us know?  lol  :)

  • StormTigers
    264 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2012 8:11 PM

    Hi Jerm


    Yeah some good suggestions there - will run it buy the guys thought currently just getting them to tee off at times a bit hard.

    Which is why I would like to gain some incentive - not inclined to put money into it for some of the above reasons though.  Though I don;t know that WGT so much pay out on anything in most cases to guys of my level yeah 100 points for jumping up a bit. I put in $20 bought couple clubs and balls but really that to them is money for nothing and chicks for free !


    Anyway thanks for the reply mate

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