Looking for a good active CC........ with similar tiered players. Play about every day. am a bit worried about joining something out of usa due to the time difference. Is that actually a issue. I'm playing when europe seem asleep? Is there a advantage to a smaller cc ? seems there might be......... mainly just looking for good, nice people who at least chat some. Thanks
I can heartily recommend Bridgestone, there are players from all over the world there and loads of tournaments to play.
Not sure there are any vacancies right now but it's worth a try.
Sent you an lnvite We have many U.S Members as well Brits and other countries.
Check out Country Club of Atlanta- here is link to our discussion in this forum....
http://www.wgt.com/forums/t/51150.aspx I believe a few spots will be opening this week. Sounds like what you are looking for. I am not the cc owner- just a member who saw your post and thought we would be a good fit.
Bridgestone CC is great.
I see Mainz has already told you about it. Looks like we have a couple spots left.
Thanks to all the offers,,you all were very kind. I joined the Seniors. So far i'm really enjoying it. Thanks again