I wish to introduce myself. I have a physical handicap that prevents me from playing real golf. My goal is to be able to do that but in the interim, I like this game and the chance to improve AND win some money...or something based on my expertise.
Here, as in real life, practice is paramount and toward that end I'd like to see a practice facility of some sort along with a much better multiplayer game. Competition is the key along with spirited conversation (e.g. some trash talking every once in a while).
Depsite it's current drawbacks, I like this game very much and will have some patience with the developers. I hope any feedback I give is positive if critical and will be glad to take on a developer any day in a mutliplayer game. Sometimes code gets in the way of feel.
For the future I'd like to see a way to hook or slice based on foot stance rather than control of the swing itself. I'd also like to see greater distances with drives and long irons and I'd DEFINITELY like to be able to hit a driver off the deck without penalty.
I very much LIKE the putting and the way it's set up but I'd also like to see some gradations as to distance. Markers for like when the distance is 30', a marker for 15, 7.5, and 22.5. then let me decide the strength based on uphill or downhill. Overall though, I like the putting very much.
Regards to all and sorry to be so long winded. I look forward to playing with anyone that'll suffer my bad play.
Regards to all,