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Re: Changing Golf Balls During Play

Fri, Apr 9 2021 8:18 AM (19 replies)
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  • Bodycarver
    99 Posts
    Sun, Feb 19 2012 7:04 PM

    I make 1,100.00 a month. So no I can not buy balls all the time. Disability sucks and am denied SSI that I have paid since I was 12.  So dont even get into money on here. 

    I get them when I can and have different kinds that I have tried. I would just like to use what IS IN MY BAG. Not the starter balls. I paid for them so I would like to use them.  When I do play tournaments I never run out so that is not an issue. When practicing I try different shots to get around things and loose balls. WGT should be grateful for that as it creates more revenue. Hell that is what they care about any way is generating more money. So why not let us use what is in our bag. We loose more that way and they make more money. 

    Also ACE since you are so rich. How about you buy my balls for me.

  • borntobesting
    9,752 Posts
    Sun, Feb 19 2012 7:35 PM


    Unless of course you can't afford to buy a sleeve of balls and if that's the case you probably shouldn't even be playing here any way. 

    That's a pretty harsh statement. There are many players here that can't afford to buy balls all the time. The world economy is in the crapper if you haven't noticed and many people are lucky if they can even pay the internet bill let alone spend money on a video game. So just because you have no problem buying what you need doesn't mean everybody can. 

         That kind of pompous attitude just gets me a little tight in the jaw if you know what i mean.


    It is not pompous at all I am merely stating the obvious, Lets face it just to have the internet  high speed internet connection required to play this game is at least $20 a month and if they can't afford to buy balls and the like their money might be better spent on the things that matter most in this world. If you have to choose which comes first then for me at least it is the needs of my family first then anything else. And I never said that I didn't have a problem buying. Most if not all my purchases have been made with survey and free offer credits. And if they were't available i would be playing with the cheapest clubs and balls on here. Or like I said in my first post I would not be playing at all. 

  • cadillac1961
    268 Posts
    Mon, Mar 12 2012 10:45 AM


    Anyway, there's a set of technical limitations in this game and we all have to be with that.


    -slowie :::     yeah.... and step by step



    Thats very true, WGT is a Electronic game, and you cant make it perfect.

    A "PC" like we are working with,  needs 2 1/2 days to calculate only the aerodynamics from a golfball. Than do this with all options and positions only from one tee !!!! That nedds a lot of month writing that numbers down.

    And what i say at first, this is a electronic game, you play with numbers, dont forget this. All feets, yards and wind have energie points, from a centrum. And every small difference have another charge.

    And one absolute importend one dont forget, behind the "PC" are working real poeple, and they are every day in different option.

    So you can write down a lot about roules, but Golf is like >Real Live> no situation comes back into the same options... Never

  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Mon, Mar 12 2012 3:01 PM


  • swannyxx
    303 Posts
    Mon, Mar 12 2012 5:35 PM


    Unless of course you can't afford to buy a sleeve of balls and if that's the case you probably shouldn't even be playing here any way. 

    That's a pretty harsh statement. There are many players here that can't afford to buy balls all the time. The world economy is in the crapper if you haven't noticed and many people are lucky if they can even pay the internet bill let alone spend money on a video game. So just because you have no problem buying what you need doesn't mean everybody can. 

         That kind of pompous attitude just gets me a little tight in the jaw if you know what i mean.


    Well put.


  • hititlad
    3 Posts
    Wed, Apr 7 2021 3:52 PM

    Uhh yes you can at any time during play in a tournament, at the start of any hole.

    I am still blown away that I cant change a ball when I make a mistake and start a round with the "rock" due to using an old existing ball in a previous round and opting not to buy a new.

    This is pure ***

    Fix the game and give your potential paying customers the option.

  • callaghan159
    6,423 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2021 3:57 PM

    9 year old thread brought back to life. LMAO

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2021 9:41 PM

    I am still blown away that I cant change a ball when I make a mistake and start a round with the "rock" due to using an old existing ball in a previous round and opting not to buy a new.
    If you failed to check your equipment it's all your fault IMHO. One might conclude that that round wasn't important to you. More so since you aren't willing to invest a few bucks to correct your own mistake. Pardon me, but the ... is on you.

    My advice: Bite the bullet, quit, check on your equipment and start over if possible. It's but a virtual round!

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Apr 9 2021 8:18 AM


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