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Changing Golf Balls During Play

Fri, Apr 9 2021 8:18 AM (19 replies)
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  • Bodycarver
    99 Posts
    Sat, Feb 18 2012 7:08 PM

    I would like to see a feature where you can change your ball only at the tee block of each hole. This would make the game more realistic. I do not care for the fact that if I hit my last Callaway in the water, I now have to play a starter ball to complete my round, when I have a new sleeve of Nike's in my bag. 

    This feature would greatly improve the game. 

    You can do it in real life. So why not here.


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Feb 18 2012 7:22 PM

    Whoops, you just opened an old can of worms. Can't do it in real tournament golf, can't do it here.

  • Romesco
    51 Posts
    Sat, Feb 18 2012 7:26 PM


    Whoops, you just opened an old can of worms. Can't do it in real tournament golf, can't do it here.

    Going off of what you said ^. It is against the rules of golf, so it will be here as well. I don't see why you would want to anyways?

  • Slowwedge
    143 Posts
    Sun, Feb 19 2012 12:23 PM

    The IRL golf rules allows you to change your ball between holes and if you shoot away a ball i.e in water are you allowed to use any ball you have in your bag. And furthermore if you are out of balls you can go home like John Daly did, it is not allowed to receive any completements from the outside when a round is started.

    So your reference to the rules of golf are not correct and the endless supply of balls here on WGT clearly brakes the rules.

    Anyway, there's a set of technical limitations in this game and we all have to be with that.


  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Sun, Feb 19 2012 4:07 PM

    OMG...Bodycarver , your wrong , and Slowwedge your wrong.

    The "one ball rule" is used at WGT. Being the tournament committee , they have the right to impose this rule , and they have.  Period.  Instead of being allowed to finish as WGT so graciously lets you do , you should be DQ'd and I wish to God they would. People may start appreciating the fact that they can , at least,  finish.




  • Bodycarver
    99 Posts
    Sun, Feb 19 2012 4:30 PM


    No where in the first statement did I say any thing about Tournament play. Yes they can adopt the one ball rule in a Tournament, but not in casual play as every other aspect of this game is on WGT.

    I have been a Scratch Golfer since 1979 up to 2004 when I got injured and went to a 5. Now I am permanently disabled and can not play any more.

    I have competed all over. So do not try to read me you interpretation of the PGA rules of golf. 

    What you are saying is every game on WGT is a tournament with the one ball rule in effect. 

    If this is the case every player that runs out of said brand should be DQed and not allowed to continue the practice round ALT game Blitz or CTTP. 

    There is no where in the rules of golf that the One Ball rule is in effect except in said tournament's that adopt that rule.


    "There is nothing in the Rules of Golf that prevents a golfer from switching to a different brand of golf ball (i.e., from a Titleist to a Bridgestone) on every hole on the course - so long as the change is made between the play of holes."

    Rules 15-1 and 15-2 explain that the player must complete play of the hole with the ball with which he began the hole unless he is proceeding under a Rule that permits him to substitute a ball. The player may change balls between the play of two holes as well. 

    Rules 26-1 (Water Hazard Rule), 27-1 (Ball Lost or Out of Bounds) and 28 (Ball Unplayable) are examples of Rules that permit the player to substitute another ball. Rule 5-3 permits a player to substitute another ball during the play of a hole when his original ball has become unfit for play during the play of that hole. Other Rules (e.g. Rule 18, Rule 24, and Rule 25-1) permit the player to substitute another ball only if the original ball is not immediately recoverable. 

    Note that Rule 16-1b, the Rule that allows the player to lift his ball from the putting green, does not permit the player to substitute another ball; this precludes the player from substituting a “putting ball.” 

    A player who substitutes another ball when not permitted to do so incurs the general penalty (loss of hole in match play or a two stroke penalty in stroke play) under the applicable Rule. For instance, a player taking relief, without penalty, under Rule 25-1 due to interference from ground under repair is required to do so with the original ball (unless it is not immediately recoverable). If that player substitutes a ball (and makes a stroke with it) when his original ball is immediately recoverable he incurs the general penalty under Rule 25-1 (as it is the applicable Rule in this case). 

    When changing balls, the player is permitted to substitute a ball of another brand or type unless the Committee has adopted the One Ball Condition of Competition (see Appendix I; Part C; Section 1c). This optional condition (usually referred to as ‘The One Ball Rule’) is generally adopted only in events that are limited to professional golfers or highly-skilled amateur golfers. Generally, this condition of competition is not adopted in club-level competitions.


  • adramforall
    194 Posts
    Sun, Feb 19 2012 4:34 PM


    OMG...Bodycarver , your wrong , and Slowwedge your wrong.

    The "one ball rule" is used at WGT. Being the tournament committee , they have the right to impose this rule , and they have.  Period.  Instead of being allowed to finish as WGT so graciously lets you do , you should be DQ'd and I wish to God they would. People may start appreciating the fact that they can , at least,  finish.



    Since WGT allows you to continue with Starter balls once all your "branded balls" are lost, surely they are not imposing that rule?



  • borntobesting
    9,788 Posts
    Sun, Feb 19 2012 5:09 PM



    No where in the first statement did I say any thing about Tournament play. Yes they can adopt the one ball rule in a Tournament, but not in casual play as every other aspect of this game is on WGT.

    I have been a Scratch Golfer since 1979 up to 2004 when I got injured and went to a 5. Now I am permanently disabled and can not play any more.

    I have competed all over. So do not try to read me you interpretation of the PGA rules of golf. 

    What you are saying is every game on WGT is a tournament with the one ball rule in effect. 

    If this is the case every player that runs out of said brand should be DQed and not allowed to continue the practice round ALT game Blitz or CTTP. 

    There is no where in the rules of golf that the One Ball rule is in effect except in said tournament's that adopt that rule.


    "There is nothing in the Rules of Golf that prevents a golfer from switching to a different brand of golf ball (i.e., from a Titleist to a Bridgestone) on every hole on the course - so long as the change is made between the play of holes."

    Rules 15-1 and 15-2 explain that the player must complete play of the hole with the ball with which he began the hole unless he is proceeding under a Rule that permits him to substitute a ball. The player may change balls between the play of two holes as well. 

    Rules 26-1 (Water Hazard Rule), 27-1 (Ball Lost or Out of Bounds) and 28 (Ball Unplayable) are examples of Rules that permit the player to substitute another ball. Rule 5-3 permits a player to substitute another ball during the play of a hole when his original ball has become unfit for play during the play of that hole. Other Rules (e.g. Rule 18, Rule 24, and Rule 25-1) permit the player to substitute another ball only if the original ball is not immediately recoverable. 

    Note that Rule 16-1b, the Rule that allows the player to lift his ball from the putting green, does not permit the player to substitute another ball; this precludes the player from substituting a “putting ball.” 

    A player who substitutes another ball when not permitted to do so incurs the general penalty (loss of hole in match play or a two stroke penalty in stroke play) under the applicable Rule. For instance, a player taking relief, without penalty, under Rule 25-1 due to interference from ground under repair is required to do so with the original ball (unless it is not immediately recoverable). If that player substitutes a ball (and makes a stroke with it) when his original ball is immediately recoverable he incurs the general penalty under Rule 25-1 (as it is the applicable Rule in this case). 

    When changing balls, the player is permitted to substitute a ball of another brand or type unless the Committee has adopted the One Ball Condition of Competition (see Appendix I; Part C; Section 1c). This optional condition (usually referred to as ‘The One Ball Rule’) is generally adopted only in events that are limited to professional golfers or highly-skilled amateur golfers. Generally, this condition of competition is not adopted in club-level competitions.


    The key word there is GENERALLY which means in some cases the one ball rule can and is adopted in club level competitions and any other type of play. And as ACE pointed out if they followed the rule to the T. IF and when you ran out of balls you would get a message like" You ran out of balls and are disqualified from this competition". They don't do this but instead allow you to finish with the free ball. But for the life of me I can't understand why anyone should even run out of the ball they are playing!!! I mean as soon as you put your last ball in play the last ball message appears and all you have to do is click on it and you buy balls not even leaving the game screen and it takes all of 10 seconds. The only conceivable reason to run out of balls is that you are trying to use up a particular type of ball that you no longer wish to use, Unless of course you can't afford to buy a sleeve of balls and if that's the case you probably shouldn't even be playing here any way. 

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Sun, Feb 19 2012 6:09 PM

    By WGTniv 6-9-10

    Hi fellas,

    We employ a variation of the rule known as the "one-ball condition" which basically states that your ball type cannot be changed during your round.  If you start the round with GI-D then you must finish with the same type. Our variation on the rule comes in when you run out of balls.  If you ran out of balls during an actual competition you would be automatically disqualified from the event.  Instead of going that route we just equip players with the free starter balls.  It is a penalty of sorts for forgetting to stock your bag, but it's lot more lenient than it normally would be in a real competition.  Currently, color is not considered the same type though there are discussions about changing that.

    Normally this rule is used only in competitive play, but since every mode of play on this site is competitive in some way (excepting multiplayer stroke play and solo practice) the rule was applied throughout all modes.


    FYI Bodycarver...I don't claim to be a know it all and very sorry to here about your injury , I also don't claim to make rules around here , but I thought it best to educate myself on what they are. You might want to do the same.


  • bittydog
    623 Posts
    Sun, Feb 19 2012 6:17 PM

    Unless of course you can't afford to buy a sleeve of balls and if that's the case you probably shouldn't even be playing here any way. 

    That's a pretty harsh statement. There are many players here that can't afford to buy balls all the time. The world economy is in the crapper if you haven't noticed and many people are lucky if they can even pay the internet bill let alone spend money on a video game. So just because you have no problem buying what you need doesn't mean everybody can. 

         That kind of pompous attitude just gets me a little tight in the jaw if you know what i mean.


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