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Re: 2012 Clubs

Sun, Apr 15 2012 5:09 AM (6 replies)
  • SoberPatient1986
    25 Posts
    Thu, Mar 1 2012 2:32 PM

        I know that there have already been several posts about the level 81 Ping G20 clubs so I will not go into that, although I am really exited to try them out. I was just going to make a couple of recommendations on what I think would be some fun clubs to play with. Taylormade has come out with the new R11S recently. Adding the R11S and or even the R11 TP would be a welcomed addition I am sure. Taylor also just released their RocketBallz or Taylormade RBZ clubs. These would also be great. Both the RBZs and the R11S have a driver, 3 wood, rescue clubs and irons as far as I can tell. Maybe even adding some of the higher end Callaway clubs would be a great addition too. Like the Razr Hawk for example.  As far as balls go there are already many great options to choose from in the WGT store but with all of the different brands out there more ball options would always be fun too. Take care and happy golfing. The only other thing I would like is a left handed avatar to make it seem more real.... But honestly I have played with the right handed avatar for so long I don't even know it I could play that way.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Thu, Mar 1 2012 11:41 PM

    I'd rather have it that no better clubs are ever brought in, as the game would get far too easy. More variety is ok though.

    567 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 5:57 AM

    Agree with Piz. Maybe just different clubs that are comparable with others. Avatars, pins and courses for me.


  • FredtheMonk
    63 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 7:41 AM

    I agree with sober. maybe even bring out Nikes new Vs series. it would really expand the proshop clubs.

  • SoberPatient1986
    25 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 7:49 AM

    The reason that I think better clubs should be incorporated into the game is that in real life they will always come out with something bigger and better. I agree that I would not want to have to purchase a better club after spending all those credits on a brand new club only to have a better one come out a couple months later. But this is the reality of the golf market. To make things more fair they could have these newer "better" clubs only available to Master or Legend players and not unlock say the R11s until say level 105. This would give those players who have already unlocked everything something to look forward to, as well as keep the game updated, new and fresh for everyone.

  • Turnabout945
    85 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 10:01 AM

    I, too, think that adding better club might be a bi of a problem.

    However, I'd love to see more clubs at the top so that there isn't one clear cut "best club" that everyone uses.  It'd be nice to have a personal preference factor involved at the top like there is in the lower levels.

  • rtgjeg
    280 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 5:09 AM


    ...I agree that I would not want to have to purchase a better club after spending all those credits on a brand new club only to have a better one come out a couple months later. ....

    This echoes my sentiments exactly.  When the level 58 g20's were released, I went out right away and bought the driver.  When the level 81's were released, I plopped down the credits and bought them.  Now, the Rocketballz.  Is WGT planning to release an upper level RBZ club.  What about any of the other clubs mentioned?