I still don't know for sure .
I think these 61/63 avg. scores are more coincidence than criteria .
I think the criteria .. lays more on the putting or putting avg.
By playing in alot of tournies .. I think the green-speeds were fast / very fast.
I think you can slow the green-speeds down in stroke games / which I didn't use.
Putting and / or Green-Speeds .. I think is more likely.
Even , my friend who STINKS .. has some good putts.
correct me if I am wrong here :
Masters and Tour Masters ..
1. can buy the same equipment ( if the level number is same)
2. Use the same Tee box
3. the only difference is green-speed ?
besides green-speeds .. Is there any difference ?
My belief is .. Once you hit a certain putting avg.,
you move up to faster green-speeds / tour-master.
So ... when Masters play a game with a Tour Master (s) / (tourny greens) / there isn't any advantage or difference between the two.
but.. like I said / I could be wrong ?