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Re: chipping on the green

rated by 0 users
Tue, Apr 3 2012 7:05 AM (7 replies)
  • Turaj
    2 Posts
    Mon, Apr 2 2012 9:19 PM

    ok im not sure what the rule is with chipping while on the green, but it sure is getting annoying watching people chip a 12 footer with no break rather than putt it. Im not totally sure, but it looks like they are able to stop the ball sooner with a chip rather than a putt maybe that is why they are doing it. if in fact it is not a legal shot then please give a penalty stroke if you cant restrict the club usage or something. im sorry, but i have never once seen a professional golfer chip on the green, i have see them use a driver from the fringe, but that is another story.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 6:18 AM

    Just for clarification; It is a legal shot...According to the USGA rules of golf ,which this game conforms to I believe, there is no rule regarding the use of any club on any surface of a golf course. However in real golf there may be some restrictions made by the country clubs themselves but in the case of a PGA sanctioned event then their rules apply.

    Phil Michelson used an iron on the green during one of the Ryder cups after getting a ruling from one of the officials.

  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 6:22 AM

    Get over it. ALOT of people do it, why? because even WGT admits that the greens on some courses are not mapped correctly. Also, the "denied" putts that stop 1 inch from the hole while being hit to go 3 feet past, gets taken out of the equation if you chip..  If you dont like it, dont play it, but others have the choice, and it IS legal..Deal with it.

  • olax
    61 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 6:27 AM

    It is a legal shot...however indeed annoying...while most other wgt shots seem to resemble and react like actual shots you would play, those do not.  

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 6:28 AM


    Get over it. ALOT of people do it, why? because even WGT admits that the greens on some courses are not mapped correctly. Also, the "denied" putts that stop 1 inch from the hole while being hit to go 3 feet past, gets taken out of the equation if you chip..  If you dont like it, dont play it, but others have the choice, and it IS legal..Deal with it.

    Why the attitude answer?....Her question IMO merited a clarification not a response of this sort..Pretty poor IMO coming from a Legend.

  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 6:35 AM



    Get over it. ALOT of people do it, why? because even WGT admits that the greens on some courses are not mapped correctly. Also, the "denied" putts that stop 1 inch from the hole while being hit to go 3 feet past, gets taken out of the equation if you chip..  If you dont like it, dont play it, but others have the choice, and it IS legal..Deal with it.

    Why the attitude answer?....Her question IMO merited a clarification not a response of this sort..Pretty poor IMO coming from a Legend.

    Full agree with OBR, why such an attitude like that?  Totally uncalled for.  

    OBR is 100% correct and there are times when you just may have to do that, but it is not an easy shot to perfect, it takes practice and even then  if you don't do it a lot, it is hard to get right.



  • Allen63
    364 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 6:53 AM

    Under certain circumstances it's practically necessary (Like if you're on the front lower level of St Andrews 17th with a back pin position), but under most circumstances, while "legal" it's bad form IMO.

  • 7thwave
    556 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 7:05 AM




    Get over it. ALOT of people do it, why? because even WGT admits that the greens on some courses are not mapped correctly. Also, the "denied" putts that stop 1 inch from the hole while being hit to go 3 feet past, gets taken out of the equation if you chip..  If you dont like it, dont play it, but others have the choice, and it IS legal..Deal with it.

    Why the attitude answer?....Her question IMO merited a clarification not a response of this sort..Pretty poor IMO coming from a Legend.

    Full agree with OBR, why such an attitude like that?  Totally uncalled for.  

    OBR is 100% correct and there are times when you just may have to do that, but it is not an easy shot to perfect, it takes practice and even then  if you don't do it a lot, it is hard to get right.



    Answers to ligitimate questions far too often get that kind of attitude in the WGT fora. Seems to be getting worse tbh. I already refrain from posting ANY question here.