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how about giving multiplayer golf rounds room names?

rated by 0 users
Wed, Apr 18 2012 3:30 PM (0 replies)
  • MulliganWilly
    138 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2012 3:30 PM

    yeah this *** sucks and not enough sense of community around here.. everybody's wayyy too uptight and stuck up. how about we like make a golf round where we can give it a room name and then people can go to a page where it shows golf rounds about to begin but they can choose from whatever names they give them and try and join those. You know.. like lets say you're having a few drinks and well you make some joking name and they can go join that.. instead of just this random stuff where its usually some schumck that'll disconnect. if we're all boozers then chances are it'll be more fun :-D i guess what i mean its kinda like the halo multiplayer trial where you make a game room and from there you browse the game rooms and join from those. Also keep it how it is now though with the joining the random schmucks room stuff.