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Re: Putter Pal

rated by 0 users
Thu, Apr 19 2012 5:30 PM (3 replies)
  • moonreaderman
    118 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2012 6:55 AM

    I got this putter pal meter added to my equipment without my consent. I don't like it a bit. I should have been given a choice................ But................since I have used it without knowing how to turn the dang thing off........ I have this suggestion:

    Eliminate the percentage meter. Percentages has no relevance to ball speed on any given green or the amount of energy needed to overcome or compensate high spots & low spots the ball has to travel on any green.

    I suggest that the meter be altered to have minimal information.
    Example: Lets say the meter is at 30 for the Rosa putter. Put a line that shows 7.5, 15, & 22.5. If the Rosa meter show 60, put three lines that show 15, 30, & 45. 

    This is excellent information that you can only guess about when you get better at putting. If the ball is further away, say 150ft or 90ft, the three lines to break up these distances that a ball would travel on a flat surface is vital information that you can use.

    And then there is green speed.......the percentage information is totally worthless to determine the data needed to compensate for the fast green.  

    This percentage information is inane to consider when making a putt. Whoever figured that out and wants to get players to pay for this info is a nut or just doesn't play themselves .....they just want to make a software program with irrelevant data needed to play the game. I can only imagine that I was given this putter pal because no one wants to pay for this crappy information. If WGT offers it to everybody to try out for free, they might get some people to buy it to compensate for other players that have determined what I already know......putter pal is useless information.

    I am sure that some players have adapted to this information if they do use the putter pal.....but.....sometimes & in this case, too much stupid info takes away from the enjoyment of this particular game IMHO.   

    I am waiting for someone to reply to tell me where the options field is so I can turn this putter pal off. All I can say about putter pal is "suck it"! ( "suck it!" is a funny term used on the TV show "Psyche") 


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2012 10:45 AM

    Click Play Now. Click Menu, click Game Settings, scroll down. switch off Putter Pal.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2012 1:14 PM

    Or try this

  • moonreaderman
    118 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2012 5:30 PM

    Thanks, piztaker, I see it now. From the news post, there should have been an options field directly under the menu.

    I have never even needed to go to settings.....until now. Thanks again for setting me straight on how to stop that putter pal garbage.