SWoods, not to speak for Jake, but punch wedges are my best friend. Do you have a 10yd plus gap in your full shot wedges? If so, punches can really help. Not sure about you but before punch shot know how, I struggled on any shot that was not a 100% full swing (or 97% and above). I always got the yardages wrong. Enter the punch shot. My 64 deg wedge goes 60yds with full swing, but what do you do when you have 47yd shot? Guesstimate where to hit on meter? Switch to punch shot, it goes 49yds, has great spin and nice trajectory. Try it in practice. Instead of hitting 75% clubs, try hitting punch shots closer to full swing, your distances will be more accurate.
My 60deg goes 85 yds, thats a 25yd gap between 64deg and 60 deg. Well punch 60deg goes 71 yds. So now I can hit full shots from 49 yds to 60 yards to 71yds. My 54deg wedge does a 80yd punch shot, so add that. 49yds, 60yds, 71yds, 80yds, 85yds. 5 shots distances under 90yds that I can hit closer to full swings at. Makes my life easier.