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rated by 0 users
Sat, Apr 28 2012 11:23 AM (2 replies)
  • REDRambler
    11 Posts
    Sat, Apr 28 2012 6:30 AM

    How about slowing down the replay selector?  By the time I decide it is a good enuff or bad enuff shot that I want to see it again, I lose that option, unless it was a great putt.  Would be nice to be able to review all shots at the end of the hole.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Apr 28 2012 8:25 AM


    I believe replays show any shot inside 2.1ft or hit pin/holeouts/50+ft made putt with few minor exceptions.

    that's for MP mode, the reason other options won't work is because it'll slow the game down.


  • DannyPhan
    1,013 Posts
    Sat, Apr 28 2012 11:23 AM

    In single player your replay is available until you TAKE the next shot, or click next on the scorecard.

    the OPTION is under the game menu, and oddly enough it's called Replay Last Shot.

    just saying 

