Never one to shy away from a handicap discussion (since I think there is definately a place for them in golf) .... I decided to check my scores against the GHIN system (see for details) which is a service provided by the USGA for handicapping purposes and is the most widely recognized handicap system in the US.
The formula is based on the rating and slope of each course. The higher the rating / slope - the more difficult the course. Kiawah and BP Black are very highly rated - i.e. Very Hard. I did not include St. Andrews in my calculation since the UK uses a different handicap system which crazyman uses in his league and describes very well on his home page. For this excercise I used the Tournament Handicaps since they were the ones I had available in GHIN. GHIN also gives you front / back 9 rating/slopes so doing the 9 hole calc's was easy.
Anyway to calculate your handicap index for a round it is quite easy. I used my total score instead of adjusted (adjusted = nothing higher than 6 strokes + the first digit of your handicap on any hole --- for a 12 hcp adj score = 7 on any hole).
Adjusted score minus course rating X 113 / Slope = Index for a single round.
To determine handicap average your best 10 index scores out of the last 20 scores and multiply by 96%. This is your handicap.
You can see in my chart below my handicap is a plus 4.4 .... i.e. better than scratch. My WGT handicap is 68 or 4 under par on Kiawah and a bit less on Bethpage. Pretty close isn't it ??? I haven't checked any other golfers but I plan to run these numbers for a few of my buddies to see just how far off the variations are. Based on my scores I'd say my handicap as calculated by GHIN and my WGT average is close enough for government work.
I'll report back shortly