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Thu, Aug 9 2012 7:22 PM (30 replies)
  • Rastajones
    5 Posts
    Mon, Apr 30 2012 9:01 PM


    Why the hell do you have surveys for credits that are IMPOSSIBLE to complete!?!   Every one I have tried I have been declined from and never gotten anything other than a few measly credits.   I'm sick of wasting time on this.  I just tried 5 different surveys only to be denied on all after they sucked most of the information out of me.  That's ***, and you know it.

    You offer it as a way to get credits without paying money, just pay my time and opinions WHICH I HAVE NEVER BEEN CREDITED FOR!!  These surveys are rigged.  I have completed several to at least 80% after answering 50-75 questions each, only to then be told SORRY, YOU DO NOT QUALIFY or THANKS, BUT NO THANKS.... so F U on this crap WGT!!!!!!!!!!    Either kick the ass of the vendors providing the surveys to straighten up, or Stop suckering in people to waste our time!!  

    In my opinion, you are irresponsible in this regard for even offering these surveys!!!!    I welcome any sort of legitimate reply you may have other than back-stepping or trying to explain with some lame BS reason of how you are not responsible.   You are responsible!  This is your business and what ever you put up reflects that business, so this reflects cheating, and irresponsibility.  Not a way to run a business!  MAKES ONE WONDER WHY THEY SHOULD EVER SPEND A DIME ON WGT!!!! 

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Mon, Apr 30 2012 10:04 PM

    To "Rastajones"......I AGREE with you!!!

     I've had the SAME problems you have mentioned.  I tried several surveys......and, like you, got approx. 80% through some of them and they would say "you do not qualify".  So, ZERO credits.  But, they sure as hell got a LOT OF INFORMATION FROM ME in the first 80% of that survey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    I have read on this FORUM from another WGT member.....that some of those SURVEY companies plant "SPYWARE" on your computer (though, they do tell you about it, according to that member)....and that you have to leave it on your computer for 30 or more days.............oh, yeah, you betcha.....NOT!  I constantly run SPYWARE and VIRUS software.....AND...........DELETE all COOKIES a couple of times per day....I highly recommend you do that.  Every time I finish playing WGT golf (for a few hours), I find approx. 30 cookies on my computer.....and I delete them!

    I do NOT TRUST those SURVEYS.  They are just "gathering information".....and IF they gather a little bit of INFO from you on EVERY survey (different information).....they might be able to put it all together....and end up with a LOT of information about YOU....NOT GOOD!

    Oh, I'll watch the dumb TV ads......and I'm considering one of the OFFERS - but, only because, I think it's something I really want - not just to get credits.

    When I need additional golf balls or feel I need to upgrade my much as I dislike to.......I just BUY the credits I I go.  JUST MY OPINION, but, it seems to me that since WGT is earning literally MILLIONS of dollars from ALL of the many, many, many, many, many............ADs on this website (AND I have noticed that lately...there are EVEN MORE ADs coming FULL screen ADs as well as "voice only ADs"...geeeezzzzzzz......WHY would they really need to CHARGE members for ANY golf equipment????????  I know, dumb's about the $$$.  With something like over 4 million WGT members on here...that's a LOT of eyeballs watching those, you can charge a bundle for them.....I'm would think.

    I VOTE for getting rid of the SURVEYs altogether......I don't trust them and MOST of the time, you don't even get the CREDITS you are promised. choose to do the do so at your own risk, guys.


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Mon, Apr 30 2012 10:20 PM

    YA!!!!!;;..... I don;t AGREE at ALL, but who AM I to  say????????????????
    AnYoOne feel!!!!!!!!!


    Why so passionate?


    Just a fun game.... 

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Mon, Apr 30 2012 11:42 PM

    So, the people who make thousands of credits from doing the surveys, should be denied the opportunity, just because one or two people aren't bright enough to complete them? That sounds a bit unfair to me.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, May 1 2012 7:47 AM


    YA!!!!!;;..... I don;t AGREE at ALL, but who AM I to  say????????????????
    AnYoOne feel!!!!!!!!!


    Why so passionate?


    Just a fun game.... 


    Ah, but nothing like a missed putt, a quitter, a game that locks up or an incomplete survey to stir the passions...

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Tue, May 1 2012 9:24 AM

    Hey, "piztaker"........feel FREE to spend YOUR TIME and take all of those SURVEYS you like.  And, I feel SURE........that it's NOT just one or two people who aren't happy with these surveys or the system (to get credits).

    You don't know, I'd suggest you restrain yourself from saying other members are "not bright enough to complete surveys"......I had zero problems filling out those surveys....I have a B.S. degree from a major University in the state Texas + 30 yrs. of private practice business experience.  I think maybe YOU don't seem to fully "understand" what those surveys are about.  My bet is, some of those companies aren't even trying to sell a product or a service.....but, are fronts to "gather information"....who knows for sure?  Don't be so naive.  I'd be careful "what info" you provide in those surveys.

    I don't mean to be "disrespectful" here.......just posting my opinion.  Like I stated earlier.....with the millions of dollars being made from all of the ADs......don't see the need for WGT to charge us for the golf equipment upgrades.  Maybe, it could have been set up differently.....where, when a member achieves certain levels of success with their golf game...they would be "rewarded" with better balls, clubs, etc.  But, I know, there's a LOT of money to be made by selling that golf equipment to.......what, some 4 million plus WGT members.

  • waatn
    2 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 8:45 AM

    I agree about the surveys, I try almost everyday to qualify and have been a member for a while now and every great once in a while will get one but 95% of the time I dont qualify!!!!! rediculous 

  • peteduffer
    48 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 1:07 PM

    It has happen to me a lot  or you finish the survey and never receive e-mail to confirm it. Then you e-mail wgt only to see them write back they can't find anything or you need to save you e-mails. Just tried doing one on samplious 95 % done asking info on me the survey basically completed just too see the word sorry......And now they lowered all of the credits on them. Come on Wgt stop this practice we all take time to do these survey then have this happen. We play this game for fun and your making money off these surveys.So is it you got your answers to survey so kick them out of the survey.

  • HoraceGumble
    61 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 3:53 PM

    First, I think you are probably not 80% of the way through a survey when you get booted out.  You probably think you are in a survey, but it is still trying to match you up with one.  When I try the surveys, I don't expect to complete them every try because that would seem to easy.  WGT is not going to just give away credits like that.

  • SmokeshowMegee
    4 Posts
    Fri, May 4 2012 7:55 PM

    I suggest that you ringo donnabingo or at least rufus donnamufus before you come over here with that attitude horace. Get real