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Sat, Jun 30 2012 7:04 PM (11 replies)
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  • micklen
    221 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2010 3:50 AM

    There is a lot of talk about practice holes greens and the like

    Wouldn't the easiest thing to do be to enable mulligans on a practice round

    With no restrictions on number of shots and mulligans enabled we could virtually put the ball where we want and practice the shot to our hearts content

    Not sure how difficult the programming would be but it would end all our practice problems

    Also a few marks on the meter would be good

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2010 3:27 PM

    Hi micklen,

    There are plans to offer improved practice facilities a little bit down the road, but we probably won't be doing a mulligan option.

    We shy away from putting marks on the meter because  we want the game to be more about the "feel" and less about mathematical calculations.  Putting marks on the meter would take away that feel element.

    Thanks for the suggestions though! =)

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2010 4:05 PM

    Well I'll fully admit to using marks on the meter and can't see how I could be competitive without them. 

    My memory sucks and after awhile it becomes VERY important to remember  just where 8 feet is on your putter, or 150 is on your 155 clubs etc.  The top players know after 100's and 100's of rounds as most people would but for those that aren't there yet and don't have the kind of time it takes to put in those rounds, they are a much welcomed help.

    I do agree that too many marks makes it just math, but a few like 2 or 3 would help and still leave plenty up too feel, not too mention wind is all feel (though I think top players have this calculated) and so is the break in each green feel (harder to have a calculation for luckily).  

    2 or 3 marks basically just simulate 3/4 swing, 1//2 swing, which on the real course you get good at after awhile but true, you cant just stop your swing on an exact mark like you can here if you were to have them.  Really just a couple would help with judgment more than anything and most shots will be left to the "feel" element.

    I know the purists out there would still want no marks and not everyone will ever agree on this subject.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2010 4:21 PM

    There are plans to offer improved practice facilities a little bit down the road, but we probably won't be doing a mulligan option.

    Thank you WGTniv and WGT for the no mulligan option.

  • micklen
    221 Posts
    Sun, Mar 28 2010 3:25 AM

    There are plans to offer improved practice facilities a little bit down the road, but we probably won't be doing a mulligan option.

    That is fair enough and in a way I do agree with no marks on the meter

    I do think mulligans purely on a practice round is the perfect practice, as you can play any shot you want to on any part of any course

    I would not want it during normal play of course purely a specified practice round.  I suppose it is because I am so used to using it in Links

    Thanks a lot for responding

  • Markus459
    1 Posts
    Sun, Mar 28 2010 2:16 PM

    I agree with adding the marks. They should be every 1/4 and once a player hits a certian status such as "pro" they should be taken away. This would help the novice improve quicker and add more competition.

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Sun, Mar 28 2010 4:26 PM

    You simply can NOT have mulligans, it then becomes too easy to map out any hole you want and the scores around here will just get lower and lower to totally unreasonable levels. 

    One practice hole that has all the elements like sand in fairway, sand by the hole, rough, rough by the hole, fariway by the hole, etc would be the best option and on THAT hole only, you can have all the mulligans you want allowing the improvement of all parts of someone's game without the mapping out of any of the courses. 

    Also glad there wont be any mulligans.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sun, Mar 28 2010 4:49 PM

    I'm for that!  A single practice hole in addition to a practice range and putting green.  You should be able to dial in your own wind level and green speed on the range.

  • micklen
    221 Posts
    Mon, Mar 29 2010 1:57 AM

    One practice hole that has all the elements like sand in fairway, sand by the hole, rough, rough by the hole, fariway by the hole, etc would be the best option and on THAT hole only, you can have all the mulligans you want allowing the improvement of all parts of someone's game without the mapping out of any of the courses. 

    Yes I like that

    I see totally where you are coming from

    I guess it's because I never think like that and wouldn't use mulligans to map holes but purely to understand what different terrain does to my shot

    So yes, a single practice hole with all the rubbish would be good

  • WindySteve
    28 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 5:39 AM


    Hi micklen,

    There are plans to offer improved practice facilities a little bit down the road, but we probably won't be doing a mulligan option.

    We shy away from putting marks on the meter because  we want the game to be more about the "feel" and less about mathematical calculations.  Putting marks on the meter would take away that feel element.

    Thanks for the suggestions though! =)


    I know this is an old thread but considering WGT now have changed there minds on putting marks on the meter and now have putter pal. Would they also reconsider the mulligan idea in practice mode. I feel this would be better than a driving range for getting a feel on the distances of your clubs with various spin. Which, a driving range, is really what this game lacks. Adjusting to new equipment is a painfully slow experience without a driving range and mulligans would be a fairly simple update compaired to devolping a driving range. Please please please with a cherry on top can we have mulligans lol.

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