Hehheh! Oak, believe me... I am one who is fully aware of how a slice and hook are created... in real world golf. I'm afflicted with these physics nearly every round I play, and pity those who don't realize what's happening - when it happens - to know how to rectify it.
Similarly, as a former ball player (center field/pitcher), I realized (and my teammates did) that my throws to the infield and plate would come in at a predictable curve because of the spin I put on the ball.
I don't know WHY what's happening here happens, but I wish it would stop, because it DOESN'T make sense. I'm using the GI-D ball, btw... but can't imagine that it is the culprit.
In light of the "mild uproar" created in the thread, and just to clarify... my main suggestion is this: Anyone who feels the need for guidance about how spin affects the flight of the ball - here at WGT - SHOULD visit the practice area to learn for themselves the effects of spin on their chosen ball.
BTW, Oak... seems like a great "real world golf" link. I perused it briefly and will revisit it when time allows, and suggest everyone do the same.
And I'll take the Blue pill... errrr... the Red one... errrr...