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pace of green

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Wed, May 2 2012 5:56 AM (1 replies)
  • straightenup
    14 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 5:06 AM

    I've just played a nine hole event at St A and found that the state of green was displayed as being fast. The first 8 holes were of a similar speed, the 9th very quick.

    e.g., 9ft, I metered 9 and it came up 1.5ft short, as did the following holes given that I had allowed for up and down and sideways putts.

    yes I did try to meter longer, but thats not the should be fast, slow is slow etc. Given true that every course is different in terrain on the greens, is the green grown with different grass !!!

    The real game can be seen to have true pace on the day whether fast , even or slow.

    Maybe as a prelude to a game , there should be a practice green so one can gage the speed on the day

  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 5:56 AM

    I have been playing for the last week on what was suppose to be "very fast greens" when in fact they were "slow'.  I have made a few bug reports as have others and it seems that only the short  shots now are very fast. The over 20 ft shots are irregular in speed and break. I know it is a problem that I'm still using Tour Starter clubs in Master level and you are still making them inconsistent so I will have to deal with that. I putt with a Spider putter and use Callaway balls. The game has become not fun and when I play others that have better clubs, you make my clubs even worse then before. I might as well throw the whole bag away and say goodbye and tell all my friends not to even consider this Free game. I have been vocal and made suggestions to WGT  about a Driving Range and all I get is you can play a practice round and get the same thing. I don't think so. Anyway, fix the greens and put my clubs back to what they where before I made Master and I will get better clubs as soon as I can.