Driving range and other things
Sat, Jun 23 2012 6:14 AM (10 replies)
WGT, all members want it so just give us a freaking driving range!! Not hard to program/take pictures of. Not much time needed to do it. You are just lazy and greedy. A bit like Scrooge McDuck you sit on all your money laughing and giving us shitty things like putter pal, drinks, bars and other cheap stuff you can come up with.
Time to listen to the members of this site, especially us who pay or do other efforts to get equipment, and give us what we want and not some other stinking stuff YOU come up with.
You (WGT) must be the worst company in listening to its customers. How can you possible say no when I'm sure ALL here would like for example a driving range? I Really don't get how you think and would be happy if you could explain it in a good way so me and everyone else understand.
If you just explain I'm sure the forums would be less crowded with all these threads about driving range/putting green/chipping green etc etc..
WgtIcon, me and most members demand a good answer and not just one sentence where you don't really say anything. Please!
No offense :)
While I respect your opinion, I disagree.
First of all, we are just releasing a brand new 18 hole stroke play course, which took 6month to complete with dozens of people putting in hundreds of hours.
Secondly of all, I do not believe driving range will benefit as much as you think. It would have worked well with 1-2 courses where driving was very similar, but it will not work with all the courses we have since each hole has unique challenges, so adding additional holes of driving range, would not help anyone.
If anyone would like to practice, please setup a practice game on a course and drive away. I know I have done so on several courses when I was looking for specific aim points in specific winds in order to improve my driving angles/distance to the hole.
If you could explain it to me the specific need or benefit for the driving range that practice holes do not provide, maybe it will help me understand.
that's well said...ok forget the range lmao