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WGT getting every penny from players.......

Wed, Jul 18 2012 5:25 AM (9 replies)
  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Fri, May 4 2012 5:17 AM

    So why after 3 years the 2k match plays go from 1825 discounted rate to 1800 ?  WGT decide they needed the extra 25 cents per player to spend on the Pebble Beach trip which still no one has been declared the winner? 

    Why after 6 months and several $5 entries and to the kidney foundation this sh!t just disappears and no one has yet been declared the winner?Was there even a charity event??    and why am i the only one who seems to give a sh!t.  1 penny or $1000 its the fking principle!!!  


    224 Posts
    Fri, May 4 2012 6:49 AM

    .. I think I read the last time this was brought up that WGTIcon suggested you should Email 'members@worldgolftour', as he cant find who in his office ran the lottery.. ..

    .. I mean for crying out loud, the guy only works there,,, how in Jeebus sakes do you expect him find out the answer for you.. .. .. to actually ask someone..???????

    .. From the whispers  I hear outta WGT, and please keep this under ya hat,,, the Management are more than curious to know why everyone is bitching over a Tournament for 'KiDnEyS'  anyhow.. .. .. we have 2..!!!!! 

  • dfDurbs
    1,061 Posts
    Fri, May 4 2012 7:48 AM

    OMG, if there's any truth/suggestion, this might have been a scam, I suggest you contact the Kidney Charity  supposedly benefiting from this tournament and see if they have received anything and when, then also report to the US "Charities Commision" or whatever they have over there.

    I also remember seeing an old thread somewhere that WGT even tried to screw BolloxinBruges over the prizes he had won amongst others, so I figure they'll try anything to get a few more $'s for the annually holiday to paradise


    224 Posts
    Fri, May 4 2012 5:09 PM

    .. In all honesty I'm sure there was a trip given away, and I'm even surer that every last penny WGT raised went to the charity.. .. its just if WGT's PR could go that little bit further in answering the more important questions posed......

    .. Some of my crap gets answered n knocked off the site, n that's good n fine.. .. but issues that linger around for a while don't help anyone...........

  • dfDurbs
    1,061 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 3:28 AM

    Has there still not been any answer to this!


    Mr WGT, How much has been raised and who won?

    Especially as I just played in the latest Pebble Beach CTTH sweepstake!

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 3:47 AM


    Has there still not been any answer to this!


    Mr WGT, How much has been raised and who won?

    Especially as I just played in the latest Pebble Beach CTTH sweepstake!

    The answer was given about a month ago, here in the forum. Some 8000 $ raised, don't remember the winner.


    You may have a look if it was in Community Help, a thread named "Who won the charity golf trip.....?" Not sure though...

    It was published here.

  • Ffudd
    2,541 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 4:03 AM

    This was in the forums last month.

    A little while back, we hosted a similar tournament called the NKF/Cadillac Pebble Beach Sweeps, which generated $8,500 in donations to the National Kidney Foundation. Additionally, one of our WGT members, joesneddon, won the sweepstakes prize for this tournament, which includes a airfare for 2 and a 3-night stay at the Inn at Spanish Bay, a round of golf for 2 at the Pebble Beach Golf Links, and a round of golf for 2 at the Links at Spanish Bay, 

    Maybe WGT could pin a new thread in WGT Tournament Announcements for tourny and sweepstake winners ?

    EDIT Beat me to it alosso :-)

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 4:28 AM


    EDIT Beat me to it alosso :-)


    Maybe only in the original post which didn't have the link.


  • dfDurbs
    1,061 Posts
    Wed, Jul 18 2012 5:25 AM


    This was in the forums last month.

    A little while back, we hosted a similar tournament called the NKF/Cadillac Pebble Beach Sweeps, which generated $8,500 in donations to the National Kidney Foundation. Additionally, one of our WGT members, joesneddon, won the sweepstakes prize for this tournament, which includes a airfare for 2 and a 3-night stay at the Inn at Spanish Bay, a round of golf for 2 at the Pebble Beach Golf Links, and a round of golf for 2 at the Links at Spanish Bay, 

    Maybe WGT could pin a new thread in WGT Tournament Announcements for tourny and sweepstake winners ?

    EDIT Beat me to it alosso :-)

    Thanks to you both.