We have to comply with country/state laws. Only way it changes if those laws change, so best is to either run for the office or petition or officials. Not much else can be done.
How about if someone gets drawn as a winner and they're from a country that does not allow them to win a $50 voucher then they win $50 worth of balls or clubs. At least offer them something.
+1 .... and dont make publicity for all of us, if the tournament is not for all of us.
Isntead of the line "This tournament is open to residents of all countries";
dont lie and put the real condition:
"This tournament is Open to WGT NATION members who are legal residents of and physically located in the fifty United States and the District of Columbia, Canada (excluding Quebec), the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway and South Korea."
Don't make the publicity for all the players if the tournament is not for all the players.
WGT can't give prices to all, fine, law stuff.... but I'm sure they are more than happy accepting the money from all the world.
Permitting players to play tournaments that they cant win nothing is a trick, so they spend balls and credits for something they will never win.
Play in this exclusive WGT NATION Tournament for NATION members only,
which runs 5/3 thru 5/6. In this private tournament, 20 lucky sweepstakes
players, regardless of their scores, will each win a $50 Amazon gift card!
They are missing the "for Nation Members of this contries only:..."...and that is a trick, I played it, I spend balls, and I cant win!