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quitting in the middle of a game

Sat, May 5 2012 2:33 PM (4 replies)
  • ardiequick
    2 Posts
    Sat, May 5 2012 8:29 AM

    I would suggest that there be a simple way to forfeit without waiting for you turn to do so. Most players just leave without forfeiting and that leaves the other players stuck waiting for the time to expire before they can proceed.  Many players do not want to wait that long and also leave the game which destroys the round for everyone.

    If there were a forfeit button that was there for them to use in a simple way it would speed up the game and keep the round going for the players that are left.

  • Gearman
    122 Posts
    Sat, May 5 2012 10:18 AM

    It is in the menu tab. People just don't use it. 

  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Sat, May 5 2012 12:20 PM

    It seems like a long time but its only 4 minutes or so geeezzzzz slow down its golf dude. Grip it n rip it!

  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Sat, May 5 2012 2:31 PM


    It is in the menu tab. People just don't use it. 

    Very unfortunate and sadly very true indeed!


  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Sat, May 5 2012 2:33 PM


    I would suggest that there be a simple way to forfeit without waiting for you turn to do so. Most players just leave without forfeiting and that leaves the other players stuck waiting for the time to expire before they can proceed.  Many players do not want to wait that long and also leave the game which destroys the round for everyone.

    If there were a forfeit button that was there for them to use in a simple way it would speed up the game and keep the round going for the players that are left.

    Dear Ardie,

    I am with you there, wrote a blog and also a post on the forum about this already some time ago. It takes discipline at first yet it might smooth things up if every player were to know/see that you can forfeit within the menu, fast enough. Good post!
