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Wed, Mar 31 2010 1:42 PM (25 replies)
  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Mar 30 2010 6:05 PM

    Good story. I was playing with my Father when I was 10 and rainbow sliced a T-ball OB. I broke the club over my knee and he headed back to the clubhouse. I called out " Hey! Where are you going? What's wrong?" He said " I won't play with you until you grow up and understand that no one is better than the game of golf." True story.

  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Tue, Mar 30 2010 6:08 PM

    I see the funny side of this post but instead of joking, lets demand some action from WGT on fixing the meter issues.

    Deviations i can live with as these happen in a real game (not as often as here but they happen)and add a  form of realism.

    But the meter has cost me my share of mice,but a foam brick i hope not i would throw my shoulder out.


  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Tue, Mar 30 2010 6:50 PM

    On Topic:

    Playing at Mississippi National one day years ago on a golf trip.  One of my buddies ... in our 4 some .... couldn't get off the tee at all.    On one hole .. he hit a wicked slice .. said a few choice words and flung his driver into a lake ..... I was hysterical laughing  .. until i remembered .... he had asked if could try MY DRIVER on that hole.     Good thing one of the maintenance guys was nearby .. he fished it out from a rowboat.


    Off Topic:

    Chip Shot ... no argument there's something wrong but ... I'm not convinced the meter is a WGT server issue.  I happen to have very few issues ... and guys I play with all the time (like Jake) have major issues.    If it was the servers ... we would all have issues during the same game.  Also, from what i understand the variable data you select for your shot doesn't transmit to the server until you click to hit the ball (i.e. try to ding it).  Before that the variable data resides either on your computer or in flash.  So the backswing and downswing (i.e. meter issues) are local.   I could be wrong ... but that's how I understand it.

    Just my 2 cents (and probably not worth that much either).

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Tue, Mar 30 2010 6:54 PM


    Not sure I'm for the club throwing.  In college I witnessed a very close friend hit the cart with his 6 iron.  The broken shaft ricocheted back, stuck in his temple and put him in a coma for 5 days.  Since then I have always maintained my composure and sportsmanship on the real course.  I also get very uneasy and perhaps a bit testy when people I play with throw clubs and I ALWAYS demand that they never do it again if they want to play with me.

    Holy sh*t!  Sorry to hear about this, eee gads.  That is brutal. 


    What a shame because I tell ya the club flying through the air for 30 yards is truly hysterical in person and in a video game, no one gets hurts and if they did, that might be cool too!


    I understand your stance though jeepers if I witnessed something like that I'm sure that would ruin any future pleasure I could get from flying clubs too.


    The brick is a good idea, I just punch and beat on my futon for now  :)

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Tue, Mar 30 2010 7:00 PM


    On Topic:

    Playing at Mississippi National one day years ago on a golf trip.  One of my buddies ... in our 4 some .... couldn't get off the tee at all.    On one hole .. he hit a wicked slice .. said a few choice words and flung his driver into a lake ..... I was hysterical laughing  .. until i remembered .... he had asked if could try MY DRIVER on that hole.     Good thing one of the maintenance guys was nearby .. he fished it out from a rowboat.

    LMAO!  Nice one, I wonder how mad you would have been and stayed had you not got it back.  I'd be tempted to grab one of his clubs and wing it right in after the other one.....



    Off Topic:

    Chip Shot ... no argument there's something wrong but ... I'm not convinced the meter is a WGT server issue.  I happen to have very few issues ... and guys I play with all the time (like Jake) have major issues.    If it was the servers ... we would all have issues during the same game.  Also, from what i understand the variable data you select for your shot doesn't transmit to the server until you click to hit the ball (i.e. try to ding it).  Before that the variable data resides either on your computer or in flash.  So the backswing and downswing (i.e. meter issues) are local.   I could be wrong ... but that's how I understand it.

    Just my 2 cents (and probably not worth that much either).

    This is the theory and is most likely true HOWEVER the practical application of such is not necessarily what happens, especially in non-ideal settings.   I'm convinced 85-90% of ALL stutters for all users are the fault of the computer of the user (and the fact that the game is so demanding of resources) the other 10% or so, yeah, peak hours and server load, its really not surprising but remember, 10%, users computers the main issue.


  • Middle4man
    368 Posts
    Tue, Mar 30 2010 7:02 PM
    And to think I was about to relate the last time I threw a club. It was quite humorous in hindsight, but jakestanfill's story just reinforces my decision to put my clubs back in the bag, not in the lake. On a crowded Sunday afternoon on a public course, I was trying to hit a fairway wood with my second shot onto the green of a lengthy par 5. Of course, with a pond sitting in my periphial view to my right, I topped it, it took a beeline toward the water, in it went and there went the club. However, that 5 wood never came down. It got stuck in a tree, with the lowest branch 10 feet above me. I had to skinny the tree, while my playing partners were peeing in their pants from laughter, to retrieve it. It was at that point I realized I will NEVER attain my PGA card (or should I say, my official USGA credintials, since they are sponsoring OUR Open virtual championship again this year). My golfing abilities and my enjoyment of the game have skyrocketed since that incident. Lessons learned....
  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Tue, Mar 30 2010 7:16 PM

    This post just keeps getting better.  Keep the funny stories em.  Ok I'll have to share one.

    Only club I've thrown since the incident which nearly killed my buddy was on a bet.  Buddy of mine in Aspen and I were on our 34th hole, second bottle of Bushmills, and 20th beer each easily at Snowmass course.  All square with big money riding, I hit my favorite PW about 40yds  (140 to hole).  I say off the cuff I bet I can throw my club farther than that.  He said "You're on for $50".  I rare back to give it my best hurl, bit early with the release and scream "It's leaking".....right into the middle of the lake.  I stripped down to boxers, dove in, and admired the looks and laughter from the next 5 groups we let play through.  Never found the club, was out the $50 bet and my fav PW.  Happy ending though, saved par on the hole, -1 the next 2 and won $125 we had riding in our match.

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Tue, Mar 30 2010 7:24 PM


    This post just keeps getting better.  Keep the funny stories em.  Ok I'll have to share one.

    Only club I've thrown since the incident which nearly killed my buddy was on a bet.  Buddy of mine in Aspen and I were on our 34th hole, second bottle of Bushmills, and 20th beer each easily at Snowmass course.  All square with big money riding, I hit my favorite PW about 40yds  (140 to hole).  I say off the cuff I bet I can throw my club farther than that.  He said "You're on for $50".  I rare back to give it my best hurl, bit early with the release and scream "It's leaking".....right into the middle of the lake.  I stripped down to boxers, dove in, and admired the looks and laughter from the next 5 groups we let play through.  Never found the club, was out the $50 bet and my fav PW.  Happy ending though, saved par on the hole, -1 the next 2 and won $125 we had riding in our match.


    LMAO - I dont know what was more funny, the 40 yard drunken "duff" , the bet, the hurl in the lake or you going to try and find it with others playing through! 

    Good stuff.


  • SystemCrash
    209 Posts
    Tue, Mar 30 2010 8:40 PM

    Funny! I would buy that brick.

    At the pro shop near my place, you can find a bunch of humorous stuff! It's a part of golfing!

    I would suggest some kind of 8-Ball to help decide which club and swing to take when embedded deep in the fescue!

    Today I had a 2.17 average putt-per-green at St. Andrews... wouldn't it be nice to have a crowbar in the bag to ripoff the green when nobody's watching!

    ...just kidding, I wouldn't do that!


  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Wed, Mar 31 2010 9:52 AM

    I think we are getting to an element that no other game has ever offered.  Player response.   Every game is line up, change club, adjust spin, hit.  I would love a game to add player reaction and caddy reaction "great shot" "you know this putt" "thats not a bad spot to leave your shot", "double farts" "spaulding get your foot off the boat", sorry got carried away.

    That would mean sound needs to be added to aspects of the game that are not present.