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Scramble Format for Multi-Player

rated by 0 users
Mon, May 7 2012 11:25 AM (10 replies)
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  • ChipNSink
    427 Posts
    Mon, May 7 2012 2:06 PM


    A game thats still in beta after 4 years?


    As long as they continue to add new stuff to the game, it will and should always be a beta game,  JMHO.

    Guess you can see it that way. In my world beta is a test game, which really isnt the case for this game anymore.

    New stuff gets "implemented" into this game. But had it  been a console game, it would have been an upgrade.

    Imho WGT Nation members are perfect for "beta-testing" new stuff before it gets added here. If not for anything but most nationmembers have the skills and sufficient knowledge to find and report the various bugs.


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