Dear ,
The past weeks, it became more and more clear to me that since long over a year, I am emburried in a Country Club (The Lookouts) that only has a small to very small minority of players interested in the things/goodies/benefits/options that a CC has to offer. Tournaments are only sparsely created and played for, the forum seems more dead then a dodo and the owner seems to have anything but interest in his CC, WGT or even communicating.
The title says it all, I am quiting that CC and will probably start my own now for a while, see how that develops and else, will look for a good and specially an active one to join in the near future.
I wrote to several players in that club to thank them for being active at all and for the tournaments that we shared together. Good luck to them!
I thought to share this on the general forum, not as a rant but merely for informational purposes and who knows, it might give several players some positive ideas.
PS: All reactions, polite, respectful and similar will be highly appreciated.