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Wow the negative responses

Wed, May 9 2012 1:21 AM (81 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, May 7 2012 9:46 PM

    Don goes out (ya, he has a life, wife and kids) and puts up THE best score ever at WGT.

    And some still ...never mind.

    Give the man his props, naysayers take a rest and run.

    Don has been one of the best generous plyers here at WGT, even when he was a hack:)

    He honed in, and made it happen,

    Hat's off Don!


    1,011 Posts
    Mon, May 7 2012 9:56 PM

    Thanks Mike....   Olympic is making me feel like a hack all over again. :D

     I was pleasantly surprised with all the postive posts and remarks left on my wall , emails recieved , hot chicks throwing their bras at me on stage etc.  Some guys aren't crazy  about the settings and the few that said I had no life...ha,  well I did grind on this one course for 33 hrs  chasing it this weekend.  They DO  have  a bit of merit  in their words haha

    It was a goal. I went at it fiercely when we had the cabo legend 1k and came up short. Im just glad we had settings which allowed it.  Doesnt matter to me if someone beats that score or wins a tiebreak against  with same, Im done grinding it and wish the best to all those who play. To me it was just achieving a personal goal.  Its a sidenote for wgt.  I would NOT make it bigger than it is or put my name with the likes of the games true hall-of-famers.  Those  could've shot a 49 with much less effort that it took me to do it had they so desired.




    Do you feel like Maris? Should we put an asterisk next to your 49 because it was from pro tees? Is this a sign that the game has become too easy?

    Of course not.

    I've been playing this game longer than you. I've been here off and on for three+ years. I watched the game evolve. I don't care if it was and 18 hole pitch and putt. You broke the last big number. You broke 50.

    There are several million accounts on wgt. Hundred of thousands of games are played every week. Over the last three years, I wouldn't be surprised to find out 10 million games have been played.

    In all of that time, no one has ever broken 50. Ever. Not once.

    After your round, no one else will ever be able to say they did it first. That's cool.

    Word up, mad props, or whatever the hell people say now, it's iconic.



  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, May 7 2012 10:04 PM

    Well deserved Don!

    I just hope some of the "wishy washy's", use the search function and find out what type a man your are.

    Heck, enough from me, if I take my hat off again, I'll be bald!



    Hot chicks?

    Damn, feed a brother a bone ;)


    1,011 Posts
    Mon, May 7 2012 10:10 PM

    Well no hot chicks or real bras tossed at me just yet.   Im hoping when I go to the bar this weekend, can go up to a hot chick and say "  I shot the first 49 on a virtual online golf game"     Without a doubt she will be so impressed and try to take me home with her.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, May 7 2012 10:34 PM

    doubt she will be so impressed and try to take me home with her

    I'l be ya Huckleberry!...whats 3000 miles between friends?



     Diane will be gone I hope, will C be around?

  • washndry1
    121 Posts
    Mon, May 7 2012 10:35 PM

    she will if shes a wgt gurl wow just saw score;o flabbergasted;o cant believe u would get neg comm people are soooo sillly about a awesome game huh run /Don dont know u but always see ya up there only hope to be close to that good man congratis maximus ;] awesome skills player !!! wd1

  • washndry1
    121 Posts
    Mon, May 7 2012 10:41 PM

    mine is off forshure!! people like Don and yall are at least 50% off what makes this game fun thnx glad you folks are here keeps me comin back hvn fun! / agree about olympic very  challenging  vnice ;] kicks my keyster every time ;]

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Mon, May 7 2012 10:42 PM

    I say a BIG CONGRATS sir, i know the effort it must have took. 

  • TrufflIE
    524 Posts
    Mon, May 7 2012 11:01 PM

    I tried my best... 

    shot 57....

    barely made the top 100!!! ffs :D


    Well done m8.