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Wow the negative responses

Wed, May 9 2012 1:21 AM (81 replies)
  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 8:28 PM




    How many TM's, Masters, TP's and Pros (and the level 100 hacks and Ams) are in the top 30 at this tourney?

    It ain't the arrow, it's the Indian.


    I havnt even looked a tourney list.. Why would I... This is about a negative responses about a  49.. not a tourney in which was taking place in.... 



  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 8:35 PM



    Might as well move up to Tour Pro you'll still be playing from the ladies tees. =)


    There is no need to bash women. But Im guessing it was necessary  due to the title of this thread....?



  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 8:47 PM


    The only minor con was that he wasnt from the Legend Tees?  No offence....but thats a stab at the score.. I was looking for a little bit deeper of a con this can have on the game... i.e ... You cant shoot 49s at Legend but you can at level 90 and a H,A,P,TP. Maybe this will stunt the growth of tiering? Big Cons... Not cons like the * next to the 49. 

    Imagine Your favorite TV golfer signing up and seeing that.. Is he going to think this is the most  REALISTIC golf game or what? This is question two.





    No, the only "con" to the score, is that it was not from the tips (per YOUR question),, I made mention of this per your question.  No stab at the score, why you would think that is beyond me.

    One would infer by what I wrote, is experience plays a key part in shooting so well from forward tees, hence the reason I mentioned the other Tiers, even with access to the same equipment Don used....and BTW, he did it without the best equipment WGT has to offer!

    As for your last question, I'll answer in this manner, do you think a PGA Pro gives a rats behind what happens in a simulated golf game?

    Heck, Tiger, Arnie and the PGA themselves to name a few, have put their names on games, you think Tiger cares if the field cut in a TWO is 50?

    My guess is "my favorite TV golfer" doesn't care.



  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 8:52 PM

    I do feel that a PGA Pro DOES IN FACT give a ratz behind.. Madden.. Is great example of PRO ATHLETES giving a rats behind. I think this in due time we maybe be playing golf here at WGT with some kinda thing like Wii controllers.

    All tho.. I think you maybe on to something... buts its going to sound bad... Maybe no PGA Pros play here cus its not worthy..... ?????

  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 8:53 PM


    I havnt even looked a tourney list.. Why would I... This is about a negative responses about a  49.. not a tourney in which was taking place in.... 


    Late 50s... Not from these tees. 50 even. I only have to shoot one 9 -9. My 1st game as a Tour Pro.. Winner winner chicken dinner. 

    There's no relevance to what you wrote.

    How does 9 under thru 9 equate to a 49? And win what?

    And the Tourney list was brought up, well, because it was in a Tourney! 


  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 8:53 PM


    I'm somewhere in the top 100....

    does that count?



    look again!

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 8:56 PM



    How does 9 under thru 9 equate to a 49? And win what?


    ****36 is par.. -9 is 25... 25x2 is 50.. 50 is better then your late 50's you typed.. 


    I dont know why I have to hit post on this... It feels as if your gonna slap yourself on the forehead. 


    PS... I think a chicken dinner was won..... 

  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 8:58 PM


    I do feel that a PGA Pro DOES IN FACT give a ratz behind.. Madden.. Is great example of PRO ATHLETES giving a rats behind. I think this in due time we maybe be playing golf here at WGT with Wii controllers. I think you maybe on to something... buts its going to sound bad... Maybe no PGA Pros play here cus its crap? ohhhh 

    You honestly think Madden cares that much?

    Oh my.  You're probably right though, he wants a game to be just like the NFL when he coached in the late 60's and early 70's.  That's why he put he name n the game, nthing to do with money!

    Tiger too, right?  All about the game.  Go look at TWO scores.

    Do I need to go on?  I may as well since you have derailed this post now.


  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 8:58 PM

    Yes Madden and the Pros yes.... 


    We arnt not even talking about JOHN MADDEN... Get the last word in!! DO IT

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 8:59 PM




    How does 9 under thru 9 equate to a 49? And win what?


    36 is par.. -9 is 25... 25x2 is 50.. 50 is better then your late 50's you typed.. 


    I dont know why I have to hit post on this... It feels as if your gonna slap yourself on the forehead. 


    PS... I think a chicken dinner was won..... 
