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My first complaint

Thu, May 10 2012 2:41 AM (32 replies)
  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 5:22 PM



    Maybe aim not so much left?

    come on.

    Maybe try quoting the the entire reply Leon, seems like sound advice to me.


    Fine, but he didn't ask for advice, and that's not the point of the post. 

  • TrikiRik
    103 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 5:24 PM

    It's not a forest, not out of bounds or in a hazard...but it's a lost ball. Talk about screwing me out of a couple of bucks!

    Having experienced very similar situations on many of the holes on WGT I do hope that it is more of a factor of sloppy or difficult game coding rather than an intentional method to randomly increase revenue, which would then risk losing dedicated players who have a limited amount of $$$ to commit to this game.  That said, I lost IRL 3 Top-Flite balls in 18 holes playing a brand new course to me this morning, luckily they weren't out-of-box balls, but ones I pulled from my shag bag.  Ended up 6 over but still won the Nassau.  So all is well.

  • 73vetteguy
    364 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 5:33 PM

    rather than an intentional method to randomly increase revenue, which would then risk losing dedicated players

    ...and the sheep grazed peacefully as the fat wolf watched wondering what's for desert.....gulp!!! 

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 5:44 PM

    Fine, but he didn't ask for advice, and that's not the point of the post. 

    You are thick at times Leon.

    I guess I should have empathized with him and lamented about my 100's of OOB balls, instead of offering advice that may actually help the OP if he faces that challenge again.

    Silly me.


  • nine76chris
    92 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 5:55 PM


    Fine, but he didn't ask for advice, and that's not the point of the post. 

    You are thick at times Leon.

    I guess I should have empathized with him and lamented about my 100's of OOB balls, instead of offering advice that may actually help the OP if he faces that challenge again.

    Silly me.

    Ya MB, maybe you should have shed a few tears with a glass of pinot grigio....heartless ***. ;-P.  I am going to give advice and don't give a *** if Leon likes it or not.  In tough wind conditions like left to right on that hole try using your 3W on's a long par 5, but you got enough club to make bird.


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 5:56 PM

    Lol Chris,

    Been awhile, go green sometime!

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 6:40 PM

    Thanks for the tips, guys. Now, how about water? Should I avoid it?

    For those of you who hit the occasional errant shot, this is the "weeds/OB" area that could eat your ball, left off 16 tee at the new course.

  • easternguy
    301 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 6:56 PM

    Leon, that was my exact point...

  • nine76chris
    92 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 7:09 PM

    Ok, lesson learned. Now you know.  Avoid that area.  Just like the drive on BPB#2. I saw that and stayed as far away as possible.



    Leon, that was my exact point...


  • easternguy
    301 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 7:28 PM

    I've never seen a lost ball on #2 so it's not the same at all...