Lmorgan007: Is this the method that most Legends use? I ask because the meter bar seems more precise somehow.
I wouldn't say most Legends use it but there are a few devout users about. It's the only way I have ever putted and I learned it from the Putting Tips in the FAQs. If you're interested, that will give you a really good explanation of how it works. I recommend it.
I have always believed that the movement is exact. Whatever value you assign to it by practicing, it is always the same movement. You have to be very exact in using the moves because as little as the the thickness of the ding line makes a difference, especially when using higher scales for short putts.( I find that actually makes them easier to use because now I have a value for before the move and after the move.)
Using higher scales for shorter putts keeps the backswing really short and slow so the ding is easier, too. You can do that with any putting method but what makes it work for me is the exactness of the moves. It makes it very easy to get exact putts. Aiming is another story. :(
LOL. I guess you'd say it was a personal thing. ;-)