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Swing Meter Module

Mon, Sep 9 2013 9:53 PM (64 replies)
  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sun, May 13 2012 9:19 PM


    With respect YAP, this is the way of almost all internet based multi-player games.

    There never will be 'an even playing field' for those of us that don't have super computers.

    These games are, in fact, about the revenue stream. We are kept apart from each other based on money spent, nothing else.

    The developers use our own egos and sense of competition to lure us in to playing and then spending cash to 'keep up'.

    I used to be a forum moderator on 6 different Facebook games. All of them are basically the same. Just a way to relieve gamers of their hard earned cash. Not that there is anything wrong with making a buck, but blaming the developers is not going to cause any movement into fixing what someone thinks is 'wrong' with the game.

    The game is free to play. Don't expect anything from something you get for free and you might feel better about playing.

    And with respect right back, kjarvis001, you lost me on the "game is free to play" bit. Only if you elect to stay with Hack level equipment, balls, and never engage any Ready-Go or other "money" games would you be able to play WGT for free. I'm of a mind that if I do elect to spend money at WGT that I am entitled by law and all reasonable standards of business ethics to get what I pay for.

    And I'm really not interested in laying blame on anyone. The category header of this part of the forum reads "Product Suggestions." I do sincerely hope that WGT developers aren't so thin skinned as to take it personal when someone takes them up on their invitation to offer Product Suggestions. That's what I'm doing here, along with some justifications for the suggestion.

    Lastly, I'm not at all willing to roll over and concede that leveling the playing field, by offering everyone -- the technically blessed and the technically impoverished -- a stable swing meter, is simply not doable. WGT has the basis, graphics, game concept and everything else to constitute a magnificent online game. But that neurotic swing meter is like a big ol' zit right in the forehead of the Mona Lisa.

    So far, as far as I can tell, no one posting in response to my Product Suggestion has identified themselves as WGT staff or employees, though some have come off as such, or WGT shills/sycophants. Upshot is that so long as I'm spending my cold hard cash for this form of entertainment, I wouldn't take kindly to being told by WGT to simply grin and bear it; that they aren't interested in making things right.

    I guess by being ignored here (so far as I can tell) by anyone who has identified themselves as employees of WGT, one could surmise that WGT doesn't care to hear any Product Suggestions. If that proves to be the case, methinks each and every one of their advertisers should be made aware of that customer dis-service model.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sun, May 13 2012 9:35 PM


    At least with it being web based a bot can not determine when to click because of stutters and what not. With it being computer side it will be the same every single time and a bot could be very accurate. Is it perfect? No. But I would hate to see what it would tumble down hill into if they ever made the meter client side. 

    So, lemme get this right. The stutters, balks, leaps and lock-ups that torment me and the kazillions of others who are not connected direct to the Internet "backbone" by our own dedicated T1 or better are an ADVANTAGE to us, versus the alternative (constantly stable swing meters) that could be more subject to cheater gimmickry? I'll certainly agree that it isn't perfect. At times in my neighborhood, especially over the weekends it seems, it's only marginally playable. But admitting it isn't perfect shouldn't excuse away the demand for a fix.

    For my money, I'd very much like to see how the quality of game play might ratchet up if they ever do make the meter client-side. Hell, the system is being gamed now, so why be content with a neurotic server-side swing meter out of fear that a client-side swing meter might be easier to juke?

  • BradNicklausPGA
    1 Posts
    Sun, May 13 2012 9:54 PM

    Not to mention that the site is rigged, to make you lose balls, let whoever they want to win skins (I've seen over and over ridiculous shots going in when it looks like 1 person will win on a hole) and every putt CANNOT be sidehill (try to be realistic).

  • kjarvis001
    25 Posts
    Mon, May 14 2012 2:24 PM

    YAP, not sure how you got lost in regards to 'the game is FREE to play", well, it is.

    I've never spent a penny on this game and I'm far above HACK level. And I simply have no interest in 'money' games.

    Lets say WGT offers a 'swing meter' that is the same for all. The fact that no one computer and or connection are exactly the same, the meter would then be at the mercy of the end users machine which still would not make it even for all to play.

    And about spending money and being entitled? You might want to read the EULA. I'm sure there is a paragraph regarding your 'rights and entitlements'.

    And speaking from forum moderator experience, just b/c no one from WGT has replied to you does not mean they haven't read your post. It is not customer dis-service, as you have stated.

    I think your expectations outweigh the reality. 

    Good Luck.

  • bearclaw27
    553 Posts
    Mon, May 14 2012 5:26 PM


    WGT is reaping millions in ad dollars and already have their advertising clientele in place, and many new companies are coming on board daily to advertise to a five million member base.

    Are there really 5 million players on this site?

    If that's true, I am even more annoyed that WGT doesn't fix the meter, etc....

  • bearclaw27
    553 Posts
    Mon, May 14 2012 5:55 PM


     admitting it isn't perfect shouldn't excuse away the demand for a fix.

    Abso-friggin-lutely...Shout it from the rafters...

  • gilman10
    431 Posts
    Mon, May 14 2012 7:25 PM

    Too all those in the "WGT needs to fix the swingmeter" corner:

    Please take some time to understand how a game like this works. I present to you a rough outline:

    1) The server tells your computer where the ball is, and transmits some data AKA loading time.
    2) Your computer draws it
    3) You aim your shot, and set parameters such as club type, shot type, spin etc.
    4) You execute your shot at which time your computer runs the swing meter
    5) You either ding it or hit early or late.
    6) Your computer calculates the ball flight based on pre-programmed formulas and you swing meter result and plays it on your screen.
    7) Your computer transmits the results to the server, repeat from step 1.

    Im not a programer, nor do I work at WGT. But, I with some thought you should realize this is about right. You see WGT does not have, nor want to spend the money on, enough computing power to run the game on the server side. Imagine having to calculate all these things and run everyones swing meter on their own hardware. And do it all for just the cost of golf balls and some advertisements. They would be locked into upgrading hardware as user base expanded etc etc. It is a much better business model to allow your customers computers to bear this load, and only deal with the minimal computing power and bandwidth needed to transmit and receive.

    This being the case you see, the swing meter issues are due to software or hardware glitches on your own computer.

    Ask yourselves this: Why would WGT want an issue out there infuriating players and potentially losing them customers?  For the price of a few lost balls? No. Surely they would make more money in the long run if everyone was happy and kept staying in the game buying more golf balls. Wouldnt they fix this if they could? I mean the #1 issue making people upset?

    Please do not take this as an attack, or start telling me that I dont know how this game works. I agree, I do not have intimate knowledge, but neither do you. So what you need to ask is "what is more likely".


    good luck out there


  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Mon, May 14 2012 8:39 PM

    And about spending money and being entitled? You might want to read the EULA. I'm sure there is a paragraph regarding your 'rights and entitlements'.

    Well, let's say I'm running a store and I sell flashlights. You buy a flashlight and batteries and I tell you all you need to do is flick that switch and it'll make light. You do, and it doesn't. According to your take on a swing meter that's supposed to work and so quite often doesn't, you would have no complaint about a flashlight that lights sometimes, or flickers instead of casting a stable beam. Regardless of what any EULA might say, it's damned shoddy business to accept someone's money and fail to deliver on what was reasonably expected. Your expectations and outlay may be quite modest, mine are merely a in keeping with common good business standards. It would be one thing if the swing meter problem was simply not fixable. But according to some VERY tech-savvy friends it should be easily fixable by making the swing meter client-side rather than server-side.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Mon, May 14 2012 9:11 PM


    1) The server tells your computer where the ball is, and transmits some data AKA loading time.
    2) Your computer draws it
    3) You aim your shot, and set parameters such as club type, shot type, spin etc.
    4) You execute your shot at which time your computer runs the swing meter
    5) You either ding it or hit early or late.
    6) Your computer calculates the ball flight based on pre-programmed formulas and you swing meter result and plays it on your screen.
    7) Your computer transmits the results to the server, repeat from step 1.

    Im not a programer, nor do I work at WGT. But, I with some thought you should realize this is about right. You see WGT does not have, nor want to spend the money on, enough computing power to run the game on the server side. Imagine having to calculate all these things and run everyones swing meter on their own hardware. And do it all for just the cost of golf balls and some advertisements. They would be locked into upgrading hardware as user base expanded etc etc. It is a much better business model to allow your customers computers to bear this load, and only deal with the minimal computing power and bandwidth needed to transmit and receive.

    This being the case you see, the swing meter issues are due to software or hardware glitches on your own computer.

    Ask yourselves this: Why would WGT want an issue out there infuriating players and potentially losing them customers?  For the price of a few lost balls? No. Surely they would make more money in the long run if everyone was happy and kept staying in the game buying more golf balls. Wouldnt they fix this if they could? I mean the #1 issue making people upset?

    Please do not take this as an attack, or start telling me that I dont know how this game works. I agree, I do not have intimate knowledge, but neither do you. So what you need to ask is "what is more likely".

    What you have described seems like quite a probable scenario -- but only for the fix I have been advocating -- a downloadable module/program that would do all that calculating on my own box. As it is, I have downloaded NOTHING onto my computer that would do such complex calculations. I merely login to WGT and their server recognizes me, all my attributes, my equipment, skill and experience levels, etc. My own computer knows nothing about WGT until I login to WGT.

    As such, "what is more likely" in my opinion is that WGT is, indeed, running server-side. If it was already running off of our own box, Internet speed would be irrelevant. The meter would be smooth and any delay in the return signal that would be specifying the swing meter results would be after-the-fact and inconsequential to game play.

    If nothing else, how could you explain the noticeable increase of swing meter balks over the weekends, when WGT's servers are under the crunch? My computer doesn't know or care what day it is, and all other CPU horesepower claims have been shut down and a game booster has killed even more unnecessary background processes that might compete with the incoming signal from WGT. Still not good enough.

    And man, I'd suggest that you and I both would be schickled tittless if we were to be awarded even 0.01% of the monthly revenue WGT makes off of "golf balls and some advertisements." WGT is a friggin' gold mine based on selling balls, clubs, attire, accessories, taking a rake on all "money" games, oh, and selling some advertising.

    Why they choose not to fix the swing meter problem is truly a mystery, but it might be the way they are raking it in now, even with things NOT at all joyous in Mudville. They might have come to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter whether they fix the swing meter or not.

    Happy or pissed, there's a schidtleaude of us who are willing to keep buying balls and putting up with that damned balky swing meter, hoping perhaps against hope that the CEO or COO will suddenly find a "white hat" lying around at WGT and will make things right, whether it bolsters their bottom line or not. Hope springs internal.

  • manabouttown11
    573 Posts
    Mon, May 14 2012 9:37 PM

    If nothing else, how could you explain the noticeable increase of swing meter balks over the weekends

    Not sure if you are aware or not that your computer does not have a direct connection to the WGT servers. 

    My connection to the WGT servers goes through, at last count, 11 different servers before it gets to WGT.

    Try a traceroute and see how many hoops your connection has to go through before getting to the WGT server. If any 1 of those servers is overloaded the signal is disrupted causing slow load or jittery meter or even disconnects, which is most likely to occur at peak times. 

    Of course this only explains why this happens as the game stands now. As for a meter module, i'm not a programmer so can't speculate as to how difficult it would be to integrate a stand alone meter module into the current flash set-up.