vFiReStOrMv:If there where a meter bar downloadable to your computer it would open the door for meter hacks and every shot would be a great one. Like the real game of golf I like the variance that is built in to the system here. No it is not perfect and neither should it be and yes at times it is frustrating as it should be.
Well, if you believe there are no hacks already out there, building their own progress bar scripts and raking in the dough, then you are a person of either great faith or of modest technical savvy.
But I do agree that there should be some measure of human skill, other than the major skill required for top performance -- intelligent shot conception. And that's coming from a 67 year-old who knows painfully well he no longer has the reflexes and hand-eye coordination of a rosy-cheeked youth.
Note, too, that the REAL game of golf takes into consideration such factors buy offering senior tees, women's tees, etc. At WGT, it's a different matrix. A geriatric Legend is up against a pimply-faced Legend and guess who's going to hit the ding more consistently -- from the same tee box. All that said, that's just life, and WGT is a fair representation of the real game of golf. No whine there.
But a disparity that is relative to Internet connection speed and stability has no parallel to the real game of golf. I'll bear my frustrations at not hitting the ding, or failing to apply just the right amount of fade or draw ON A STABLE SWING METER, but the only analogy to the real game of golf when we get screwed by a balky swing meter would be somebody throwing a cross-body block into you in the middle of your downswing. If that'd happen on a real golf course you betcha I'd come up pissed-off and swinging.
In short, vFIReStOrMv, I disagree with your analogy. Yeah, a downloadable swing meter module would be subject to hacks, as is the Internet-based swing meter at WGT now. There's going to be cheats either way. Why not offer a game without the swing meter gotchas to those of us -- no doubt the gross majority -- who would simply like to have only our knowledge of golf, intelligent shot conception and finger-mouse dexterity in play without the random attacks by a poorly conceived (Internet-dependent) swing meter? Screw the cheats, they're already aboard and cleaning up on us straight-laced players anyway.