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Swing Meter Module

Mon, Sep 9 2013 9:53 PM (64 replies)
  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2012 3:20 PM

    Smooth meter lol, then i would have to relearn game.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2012 3:31 PM

    I agree YAP. WGT could careless about the negative press some people give this game, and will put-up with a few forum naysayers in the interim.

    WGT is reaping millions in ad dollars and already have their advertising clientele in place, and many new companies are coming on board daily to advertise to a five million member base.

    This could be why the meter issue is on the back burner per se. WGT has overwhelmed themselves with more then they can handle these days it seems. Your meter idea may be implemented in due time.


  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2012 11:07 PM


    I agree YAP. WGT could careless about the negative press some people give this game, and will put-up with a few forum naysayers in the interim.

    WGT is reaping millions in ad dollars and already have their advertising clientele in place, and many new companies are coming on board daily to advertise to a five million member base.

    This could be why the meter issue is on the back burner per se. WGT has overwhelmed themselves with more then they can handle these days it seems. Your meter idea may be implemented in due time.


    And I agree with this post 100%. Not only reaping millions in ad money but do some figuring and see how much 200,000,000 rounds of golf played divided by 110 hits per ball adds up to be. 

    Then figure $30, $40, or more each time you upgrade. Then figure the 1000's of new players each week and it's simple to see why wgt cares so little about problems we have.


    5,835 Posts
    Fri, May 11 2012 4:36 PM

    Advantage to those who can "pay extra" is precisely my point.


    I have to disagree. My WGT game is fine with our Aussie Internet speed. I am in a remote location and my best is 6mbps down and 834kbps up



  • Boom70
    7 Posts
    Fri, May 11 2012 6:06 PM

    when it comes to swing meters, internet speed doesnt matter, computer speed does. the computer speed is what makes swing meter jumps and etc, what wgt is doing is trying to make it so that it is easier to have a steady swing meter, i think that whenever the meter stops on the player's screen, it should stop, and keep going from the spot it stopped.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Fri, May 11 2012 7:23 PM

    I have to disagree. My WGT game is fine with our Aussie Internet speed. I am in a remote location and my best is 6mbps down and 834kbps up

    Which actually reinforces my point, SHRUDE. The inconsistencies of the Internet involve more than mere bandwidth/speed. I take it you are saying your modest Internet speed is at least delivering consistent bandwidth, resulting in a smooth swing meter. Entirely believable as it would seem that even modest or slow speed connections do okay if there is no significant competition for that bandwidth happening at the time of your game. On the other hand, MANY complaints of balky, skipping and leaping swing meters have been registered by members in densely populated areas who are running on VERY fast Internet speed connections.

    Again, it's bandaging the wrong wound for WGT to consistently reference Internet connection speeds, and even to petition Congress (true?) apparently to make improvements to the Internet grid. It'll never work for everybody due to that "last mile" factor -- the condition of the bandwidth delivery infrastructure, and the amount of competition for that bandwidth in the last mile to the user's computer. There's simply no way in hell everyone can be made equal in that regard.

    The whole issue of spastic swing meters could be solved by offering ALL members a downloadable swing meter module/script that would run off the members' own CPU. So far, there has been no reply as to why that would be technically impossible, or even difficult -- which it simply could not be -- which leaves members to conclude that the reason such a "device" has not been offered by WGT must be based on a profit motive. Sure makes me feel welcome here... like a prey species.

    So, my contention, SHRUDE, is that whether the swing meter is smooth for you on low bandwidth really isn't the point. Fact is, there are a schidtleaude of neurotic swing meters out there, including mine, that are running on reasonably fast Internet connections

    Rubbing on some sunblock when at the beach would be the equivalent to the swing meter module I'm advocating. So far, WGT's closest parallel has been to suggest that a fix is on the way to deal with those pesky sun rays and has proposed building an awning over the entire beach. One solution is simple, dirt cheap and individualized, the other is complex, preposterously expensive and it would fail -- and it'll never happen. Hollow promises that I've heard for at least a couple of years now. The assurances are wearing a tad thin and this native is growing restless.

  • vFiReStOrMv
    51 Posts
    Fri, May 11 2012 8:37 PM

    If there where a meter bar downloadable to your computer it would open the door for meter hacks and every shot would be a great one. Like the real game of golf I like the variance that is built in to the system here. No it is not perfect and neither should it be and yes at times it is frustrating as it should be.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Fri, May 11 2012 9:32 PM

    If there where a meter bar downloadable to your computer it would open the door for meter hacks and every shot would be a great one. Like the real game of golf I like the variance that is built in to the system here. No it is not perfect and neither should it be and yes at times it is frustrating as it should be.

    Well, if you believe there are no hacks already out there, building their own progress bar scripts and raking in the dough, then you are a person of either great faith or of modest technical savvy.

    But I do agree that there should be some measure of human skill, other than the major skill required for top performance -- intelligent shot conception. And that's coming from a 67 year-old who knows painfully well he no longer has the reflexes and hand-eye coordination of a rosy-cheeked youth.

    Note, too, that the REAL game of golf takes into consideration such factors buy offering senior tees, women's tees, etc. At WGT, it's a different matrix. A geriatric Legend is up against a pimply-faced Legend and guess who's going to hit the ding more consistently -- from the same tee box. All that said, that's just life, and WGT is a fair representation of the real game of golf. No whine there.

    But a disparity that is relative to Internet connection speed and stability has no parallel to the real game of golf. I'll bear my frustrations at not hitting the ding, or failing to apply just the right amount of fade or draw ON A STABLE SWING METER, but the only analogy to the real game of golf when we get screwed by a balky swing meter would be somebody throwing a cross-body block into you in the middle of your downswing. If that'd happen on a real golf course you betcha I'd come up pissed-off and swinging.

    In short, vFIReStOrMv, I disagree with your analogy. Yeah, a downloadable swing meter module would be subject to hacks, as is the Internet-based swing meter at WGT now. There's going to be cheats either way. Why not offer a game without the swing meter gotchas to those of us -- no doubt the gross majority -- who would simply like to have only our knowledge of golf, intelligent shot conception and finger-mouse dexterity in play without the random attacks by a poorly conceived (Internet-dependent) swing meter? Screw the cheats, they're already aboard and cleaning up on us straight-laced players anyway.

  • kjarvis001
    25 Posts
    Sun, May 13 2012 7:42 AM

    With respect YAP, this is the way of almost all internet based multi-player games.

    There never will be 'an even playing field' for those of us that don't have super computers.

    These games are, in fact, about the revenue stream. We are kept apart from each other based on money spent, nothing else.

    The developers use our own egos and sense of competition to lure us in to playing and then spending cash to 'keep up'.

    I used to be a forum moderator on 6 different Facebook games. All of them are basically the same. Just a way to relieve gamers of their hard earned cash. Not that there is anything wrong with making a buck, but blaming the developers is not going to cause any movement into fixing what someone thinks is 'wrong' with the game.

    The game is free to play. Don't expect anything from something you get for free and you might feel better about playing.

  • vFiReStOrMv
    51 Posts
    Sun, May 13 2012 7:53 AM


    If there where a meter bar downloadable to your computer it would open the door for meter hacks and every shot would be a great one. Like the real game of golf I like the variance that is built in to the system here. No it is not perfect and neither should it be and yes at times it is frustrating as it should be.

    Well, if you believe there are no hacks already out there, building their own progress bar scripts and raking in the dough, then you are a person of either great faith or of modest technical savvy.

    But I do agree that there should be some measure of human skill, other than the major skill required for top performance -- intelligent shot conception. And that's coming from a 67 year-old who knows painfully well he no longer has the reflexes and hand-eye coordination of a rosy-cheeked youth.

    Note, too, that the REAL game of golf takes into consideration such factors buy offering senior tees, women's tees, etc. At WGT, it's a different matrix. A geriatric Legend is up against a pimply-faced Legend and guess who's going to hit the ding more consistently -- from the same tee box. All that said, that's just life, and WGT is a fair representation of the real game of golf. No whine there.

    But a disparity that is relative to Internet connection speed and stability has no parallel to the real game of golf. I'll bear my frustrations at not hitting the ding, or failing to apply just the right amount of fade or draw ON A STABLE SWING METER, but the only analogy to the real game of golf when we get screwed by a balky swing meter would be somebody throwing a cross-body block into you in the middle of your downswing. If that'd happen on a real golf course you betcha I'd come up pissed-off and swinging.

    In short, vFIReStOrMv, I disagree with your analogy. Yeah, a downloadable swing meter module would be subject to hacks, as is the Internet-based swing meter at WGT now. There's going to be cheats either way. Why not offer a game without the swing meter gotchas to those of us -- no doubt the gross majority -- who would simply like to have only our knowledge of golf, intelligent shot conception and finger-mouse dexterity in play without the random attacks by a poorly conceived (Internet-dependent) swing meter? Screw the cheats, they're already aboard and cleaning up on us straight-laced players anyway.

    At least with it being web based a bot can not determine when to click because of stutters and what not. With it being computer side it will be the same every single time and a bot could be very accurate. Is it perfect? No. But I would hate to see what it would tumble down hill into if they ever made the meter client side. 

    Edit: Took out all the BS that didn't need to be said.